Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Change Maryland Grows to 50,000

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Letter from the Chairman
Dear Friends,
I have spent a lifetime challenging the status quo, fighting against tax increases and wasteful spending, fighting to reform government and to make Maryland a better place. And in spite of the tremendous odds stacked against us, I am not ready to give up the fight.
Our mission quite simply is to organize, inform and energize average Marylanders to fight back and to bring some much needed fiscal restraint and common sense to Annapolis.
All Marylanders - Republicans, Democrats and Independents - suffer when the professional politicians and the special interest groups go unchecked and continue to push the same failed tax and spend policies, year after year.
The sad truth is that the one-party monopoly that rules Annapolis has a failed record of lost jobs, higher spending, record tax increases and broken promises. I think it's time we said 'enough is enough.' The time has come for us to stand up together and fight back for a change.
My hope is that you won't give up on our state and that you will become a part of this important fight forMaryland's future. With your help, with all of us working together, I truly believe that we can send a loud and clear message to Annapolis and that we can Change Maryland for the better.
Please join us by "liking" our ChangeMaryland facebook page, and going to our website at www.changemaryland.org to volunteer, contribute and join the fight!

Change Maryland, the state's largest and fastest-growing, independent, nonpartisan grassroots movement, has surged to 50,000 members, from every single county and jurisdiction in Maryland. Founded in 2011 by successful business leader and former Maryland Cabinet Secretary Larry Hogan, the organization's primary mission is to increase the state's economic performance and job growth. The group has built a dominating presence on social media with more people engaged online than the Maryland Democratic Party, the Maryland Republican Party and all of the potential statewide candidates of either party, added together. Change Maryland's Facebook page has a total weekly reach of over 341,153 people. No other citizen group in the state has ever accomplished what Change Maryland has, in just over two years.

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Change Maryland Blasts July 1 Tax and Toll Hikes

Change Maryland founder Larry Hogan fired up a sold-out crowd of several hundred at a fundraiser last Thursday, "Your family trip to the beach just got a lot more expensive. Today, the second round of O'Malley toll increases took effect and the gas tax increase kicked in at the same time. While you are sitting in traffic at the Bay Bridge for the 4th of July weekend you can thank Governor O'Malley and the monopoly in Annapolis for the 140% increase in tolls, and for giving us the most expensive gas in the region."

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Hogan's Group Grows Larger than O'Malley's

Change Maryland, a non-partisan organization, is the largest and fastest growing grassroots movement in the state made up of more than 46,000 people from every jurisdiction in the state. Nearly half of them are Democrats and Independents. The group's Facebook page includes 10 times more people than Democrat gubernatorial candidate Anthony Brown, and 25 times more than Republican candidate David Craig. In fact, the Change Maryland page has more people engaged on-line than the Maryland Democrat and Republican Parties, and all the potential Democrat and Republican candidates for governor, combined. As of yesterday, Larry Hogan's organization actually surpassed that of his frequent sparring partner, Martin O'Malley, the former Baltimore Mayor, two term governor and candidate for President.

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Another Month, and Job Losses Continue for Maryland Families

"Every month in Maryland is like Groundhog's Day – over and over again we hear this administration talk about jobs, yet more times than not, Maryland families wake up to learn once again our state has lost jobs," said Larry Hogan. "Career politicians think that if they say something enough times, it will eventually become true. And while the O'Malley-Brown administration likes to talk about jobs, the cold harsh reality is that 5,700 hard working Marylanders lost their job last month."

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Hogan hopes Change Maryland is the ticket


"'We're the largest and fastest growing grassroots organization in Maryland,' Hogan said in an interview, with 10 times more 'likes' than Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown. His nonprofit group has more thumbs-up than all the candidates of both parties combined."

Read the story here»
Paid for by Change Maryland

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