Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hole Cut In Side Of Crisfield Business- Two Arrested

Anthony Panzo
CRISFIELD, Md. - Two Marion men are accused of cutting a hole in the side of a building, in order to rob a business. Crisfield Police say on Monday night, they were called to the Somers Cove Market, on Cove Street, where they found a hole large enough for a person to fit through, on the outside of the building, making the inside accessible.

According to the report, damages and property loss are estimated at $3,000. An investigation lead to the arrest of 32-year-old Anthony Panzo and 21-year-old Robert Brown Jr., both of Marion.

Robert Brown Jr.,
 During searches of their homes, Police say they found several items of evidence. 

Panzo and Brown were arrested, charged with 2nd and 4th degree burglary, and theft. Both are being held at the Somerset County Detention Center on $35,000 bond.


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