Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Citizens Reminded to Stop at Red Lights

Ocean City Police Officers are joining law enforcement officers across the country to honor National Red Light Awareness Week. Beginning August 5, Ocean City police will be increasing enforcing against red-light running.

“Our officers continually enforce safe driving and cite drivers who run red-lights,” said Ocean City Police Chief Ross Buzzuro. “We want our residents and visitors to enjoy everything that Ocean City has to offer and arrive to their destination safely by following the rules of the road.”

The Ocean City Police Department is dedicated to keeping citizens safe and would like to remind residents and visitors to ensure the safety of yourself and others by stopping at all red lights and stop signs. 

 For more information about National Red Light Awareness Week or for red-light safety tips, visit: 



  1. Anonymous3:21:00 PM

    Now we gotta remind people that red lights mean STOP? How ignorant is our citizenry these days? This is not the country I knew 50 years or even 10 years ago. This is the kind of crap you get when you encourage everyone to vote; 25% of them are illegal and another 25% will vote for anybody who promises them free stuff.

    In case you can't tell, I'm in a pissy mood today. It's probably got something to do with Obama exempting member of Congress and their staffs from Obamacare.

    Your friend,

  2. Anonymous3:30:00 PM

    And just how much money did the Ocean City Police Department spend on these pretty brochures to remind us that red means stop? Oh, that's right, they got a federal grant for $85,000 to cover it so nobody actually paid. (Except you and me and the other people who work and pay taxes. But you already pay for my health insurance so I guess that's okay.)

    Your friend,

  3. Anonymous9:19:00 PM

    I'm with you Slim. As soon as I read the headline I just shook my head.


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