Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Haddaway and Colburn Call For Delay in Anti-Agriculture Regulations

Jeannie Haddaway, a candidate for Lt. Governor running with David Craig,  is calling for the O’Malley-Brown Administration to delay adoptions of regulations that would prevent farmers from using locally produced organic fertilizer and re-consider defining them as "emergency" status which short circuits the normal review process.

In a letter to the Governor and the Secretary of Agriculture, Haddaway explained that the regulations as currently drafted not only prevent poultry and dairy farmers from using organic fertilizer, they will cause complications with responsible storage and transportation of poultry manure leaving farmers no choice but to use chemical fertilizers instead.

“This will not only deprive farm families of income but also poses significant health and environmental risks to Marylanders and to the animals themselves," said Haddaway.  "With that in mind, the Administration should reconsider these regulations or at least revoke the emergency status so that the industry and stakeholders have adequate time to develop a workable solution.”

Senator Richard Colburn (District 37) who is a member of the Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review Committee agreed with Haddaway's position and has called for a public hearing on the issue which is before his committee.  In response, a hearing has been scheduled for Wednesday, August 28, 2013 in Annapolis.

David Craig called for a common sense approach that values the input of all stakeholders.

"Regulations often have unintended consequences, which is why they need to be thought out beforehand," said Craig. "The poultry industry is one of the most heavily -regulated industry sectors in Maryland, at the local, state and federal level.  The state needs to exercise due diligence."

From: Jim Pettit <jamesmpettit@gmail.com>

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:11:00 PM

    A little late; the regulation was repealed yesterday.

    Your friend,


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