Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Jeannie Haddaway on real cost of Maryland's Health Exchange

For release: 8.13.12
Contact: Jim Pettit

Maryland Lt. Governor candidate Jeannie Haddaway released the following statement regarding costs required to implement Maryland's health exchange.  These costs were disclosed in Maryland Reporter August 11.

"Under the O'Malley-Brown Administration, implementing the new health care law is more about politics, marketing and spin than improving people's lives. The Administration wants everyone to believe that somehow Obamacare is free, as if grants magically appear that nobody has to pay for.  They even said no state funds would be used to launch the exchange, which we later learned was not true.

"If the new health care exchange is so great, then it should not take $24 million in marketing and technical assistance for people to use it.  And make no mistake, this so-called 'outreach' is targeted towards their political base.  It's also strange that the O'Malley - Brown Administration takes credit for creating 300 marketing temp jobs funded by our own tax dollars.  Government-run health care is bringing us an 83% healthcare tax. That won't be in the glossy brochures, because it's a fact."



Md. health insurance exchange to open this fall at cost of $200M

Obamacare will stick Marylanders with 83% tax increase

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