Sunday, September 8, 2013

Stay Alert On Roadways For Ocean City BikeFest


 Next weekend, September 12 – 15, 2013, Ocean City will see an increased number of motorcyclists as bikers make their way to Ocean City for this year’s OC BikeFest Motorcycle Rally.  OC BikeFest will take place at various locations throughout Ocean City. The Ocean City Police Department is reminding citizens of a few important safety tips to keep in mind during this weekend’s event:

◾Be aware of motorcycle traffic. Often time’s people cannot see motorcycles because of blind spots in their mirror.  Be extra cautious of this when driving, especially when changing lanes.

◾If you see any criminal activity including racing or dangerous driving, try to get a good description of the vehicle and person. If you are not driving, try to write down the tag number and call the police.

In addition to safe driving tips, the Ocean City Police Department also reminds citizens of the importance of pedestrian, bicycle and scooter safety.  For individuals who are traveling on foot, on a bicycle or scooter, here are some important safety tips to remember:

Cross the street at a marked crosswalk or intersection.

◾Make eye contact with drivers when crossing busy intersections.

◾Continue to watch for traffic the entire time you are in the crosswalk.

◾It is illegal to wear headphones in both ears at the same time while operating any vehicle.

◾Vehicle operators should to be extremely vigilant while driving, keeping consistently aware of pedestrians, bicycles, mopeds and scooters.

◾Avoid making quick, un-signaled turns or abrupt stops. If you can’t make the turn safely, proceed past the turn and turn around when safe.

◾Allow plenty of time to stop or proceed through intersections.
◾Pedestrians should not take unnecessary risks crossing busy streets against traffic lights.

◾Parents are reminded to pay extra attention to children when crossing busy roads. Keep hold of small children’s hands while waiting for traffic lights to change and while crossing.

◾Bicyclists are encouraged to wear helmets and must ride in the bus lane. In addition, bicyclists must abide by all traffic laws, including stopping at red lights and stop signs.

◾Moped/scooter operators and passengers are encouraged to wear helmets and footwear. If you are renting a scooter you are required to wear a helmet and footwear.

Ocean City Police Dept.

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