Sunday, September 29, 2013

TIME MACHINE ... 1956, 1911, 1930, 1909, 1884

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

(Greenbackville's 1956 Accomplishment)
March, 1956
(Salisbury Times)

Greenbackville Gets Its First Fire Engine

GREENBACKVILLE, Va.- A new fire engine has been purchased from the Lombardo Beach Fire Dept. of near Baltimore and was driven back to town recently by Milton Kelly of the fire company.

In the midst of the excitement, someone shouted "Fire!" It was a fire but only a brush fire which was quickly put out by the fire company with no damage done.

Greenbackville Fire Dept. handles its own fires now without having to call on Stockton, New Church, Chincoteague, Girdletree, (or) Snow Hill.

A drive is now being conducted to secure donations for equipment. The Ladies Auxiliary will have a supper on April 14 for the benefit of the company.

October, 1956
(Salisbury Times)

Town To Dedicate New Fire Company

GREENBACKVILLE, Va.- The new Greenbackville Fire Co. will be dedicated 2P.M. Oct 28.
Organized in February, the new company recently completed a town fire house and moved two engines in on Sept. 1.

Prior to February, Greenbackville had no fire company of its own. When three fires struck the town in January, residents decided that a fire department was needed.

At organization meetings in February, officers were elected and people of the town donated enough money to purchase a fire engine. Committees were nominated to raise more money and a Ladies Auxiliary was organized.

Another engine was purchased and the townspeople, donating their time and talents, built a fire house on a lot donated by Mr. and Mrs. John Selby.

Until the fire house was built, the two engines were housed in a barn on the farm of Nelson Collins.

Footnote: On its editorial page a few days following the above article the newspaper stated: "Next Sunday is more than the dedication of a fire company. It is a demonstration that when a community becomes dedicated to the achievement of a goal, that
goal can be reached."

November, 1911
(Trenton Evening Times- Trenton, N.J.)


SALISBURY, MD., Nov 23.- Dancing, especially the "round" sort, card playing and other "worldly amusements" were subjects of animated debate at a conference of the Virginia Conference Methodist Episcopal Church South. President E.H. Rowe of the Southern Seminary, Buena Vista, offered a resolution against dancing, saying that he wished to discourage the desire of some of the young women who attended the seminary for that form of entertainment.

Other speakers declared that the conference should not confine its disapproval to dancing, but should go on record against other "worldly amusements." A substitute resolution was finally adopted, causing attention to the church's ruling on these questions. Bishop Klein pointed to the Beattle Case as an example of the evils to which dancing led.

Footnote: The highly publicized Beattle case of 1911 involved the state of Virginia's charge against Henry Clay Beattle Jr., in the murder of his wife. Beattle died in the electric chair about a week after this article was published. He claimed his innocence throughout his trial but confessed on death row. Unclear is why this case was cited as "an example of the evils to which dancing led." 

December, 1930
(The Morning Herald- Hagerstown, Md.)


Dangerous Water Situation Faces Many Communities


Baltimore, Dec. 12, (AP)- Surface streams upon which 70% of the population of Maryland draws its water supply are rapidly drying up, and the seriousness of the drought is becoming more apparent, the State Department of Health said today in a bulletin issued from its office here. 

Restrictions were placed on consumption at Pocomoke City, the only Eastern Shore community to feel heavy effects of the drought. - Officials of the Health Department some time ago said the Eastern Shore would not feel the worst effects of the drought for several months.

July, 1909
(The Washington Post)

Ice Plant for Lower Eastern Shore

Special to the Washington Post

Snow Hill, Md., July 21- An ice manufacturing plant is to be located here much to the satisfaction of hundreds of residents of this part of the peninsula. The water here is ideal for such purpose. It is said the plant will be in running order by September 15.

March, 1884 (Time Machine archive)
(The New York Times)


From The Wilmington (Del) Every Evening.

The celebrated "mule case" was decided in Princess Anne, Md., last week, and the people of Somerset County now breathe more freely. Squire Warwick rendered the decision in the presence of everybody who could squeeze into his office. The evidence in the case showed that Augustus Reid sold the mule to R.L.T. Dixon for $70, taking the payment in two notes, one for $50 and one for $20. The note for $20 was to be met in cash; the other was payable in goods from Dixon's mill. Dixon took his mule home and tried to make him work, but the long eared beast had made up his mind not to do anything, and he stuck to that resolve with pertinacity. Thereupon Dixon entered a plea of value not received, and refused to redeem the notes. Hence the suit. Four lawyers took hold of the case, and there were witnesses produced to testify that the mule was worth all the way from nothing downward or upward, as there sympathies vibrated between purchaser and seller. The hearing occupied the greater part of two days, the Squire taking the second day to review the evidence and the arguments and consider the best way out of the controversy. He finally came to the conclusion that the ends of justice would best be served by awarding the mule to Reid and requiring Dixon to pay the *costs. The lawyers consider the decision a little irregular, but the people generally hold that, as the mule possessed no monetary value, the Squire would have done violence to those great principles of justice which underline the framework of all jurisprudence had he required Dixon to pay anything for the animal.

*(assume reference to court costs)

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

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