Friday, October 4, 2013

From the Office of the State's Attorney for Worcester County

Beau Oglesby, State's Attorney for Worcester County
RE:  Charles Phillips Sentenced

Today marks the conclusion of a long and painful journey for the Niblett family. After being found guilty of First Degree Murder in June of this year, Charles Phillips was sentenced to Life Without The Possibility of Parole. 

 I am greatful for the extraordinary efforts of law enforcement, the hard work and dedication from members of The Office of The State's Attorney and most importantly the strength and trust of the Niblett family.

 Because of their efforts and support, Mr. Phillips will spend the rest of his natural life in prison.

Beau Oglesby
Worcester County
State's Attorney


  1. Anonymous10:13:00 PM

    Great Job Sir! You work tirelessly to insure the bad guy goes to jail, thanks to you and your staff for a job well done! My prayers for the Niblett family and all others that have lost loved ones. I am also forever grateful of those that work to put these cases together so that they may be successfully prosecuted at trial.

  2. Anonymous11:20:00 AM

    Agree !!

  3. Anonymous9:58:00 AM

    It's turns out that the successful appeal and the retrial turned out to be a Blessing in disguise. Thought slim as it was before there was a chance of parole for Phillips. Now no chance of parole and he is behind bars and they can throw the key away.


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