Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Meet and Greet With Chief Sewell and Pocomoke City Police Officers For Save the Youth Members

Pocomoke City Police Dept. Photo
**Hats off and high fives to Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewell and his wonderful department of police officers, dispatchers and those at the station left to hold the fort down!  If you don't know how great and important each and everyone of these employees are then you haven't been paying close enough attention!   

I have heard Chief Sewell say these words many times- " These kids are our future and the more we can educate them on these topics the more understanding they become with the effects and outcome.  To even stop one child from being a part of a crime, either as a victim or a perpetrator is worth the effort.

The Chief is correct, you know.  Many of the youth today have one vision of a law officer and that seems to be the memory of a parent or loved one being hauled off to jail. 

It is so wonderful to know that the Pocomoke City Police Dept. has stepped up and is getting the message out to Save the Youth, children in the schools and the rest of us who are listening.  Once thought to be on its way out,  I am so happy to say that Save the Youth has taken on new leadership.  And with the Pocomoke City Police Dept. spending time with these youths I'd say it's worth the effort to be of assistance if we can so that more youths can benefit.

Thanks, Chief Sewell for all you and your department have done and continue to do for the city of Pocomoke.**

Now on to Chief Sewell's report and wonderful photos.....

Pocomoke Police Department
Chief Kelvin D. Sewell
Save the Youth

PCPD Photo

Pocomoke City children as part of the Save the Youth Program were invited to a Meet and Greet with Chief Sewell and Pocomoke City Police Officers as well as a tour of the department on Monday, September 30th. 
PCPD Photo

PCPD Photo

The youth enjoyed meeting the officers and talking about future occupations in law enforcement and participated in-group sessions with Chief Sewell and Command Staff about Cyber-bullying, Social Media crimes, Gangs and Drugs.

PCPD Photo

PCPD Photo

 Approximately 40 children passed thru our doors to take part in this informational session and to get a firsthand look at a typical day for police officers.  After the sessions concluded, the youth were able to enjoy looking at our police vehicles and having hamburgers and hotdogs with the Department staff.  

PCPD Photo

PCPD Photo

 These kids are our future and the more we can educate them on these topics the more understanding they become with the effects and outcome.  To even stop one child from being a part of a crime, either as a victim or a perpetrator is worth the effort.

PCPD Photo

(Please remember to thank your police department for the wonderful job they are doing.)

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