Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tonya Bundick Arson Trial To Still Be Held November 6, 2013

In Accomack County Circuit Court Tuesday Judge Glen Tyler presiding with Judge Revell Lewis III sitting on the side, heard a motion from defense attorney Shannon Dunham on behalf of the defendant Tonya Bundick. The motion to continue or postpone the current trial date of November 6, 2013. Ms. Dunham outlined the issues as Ms. Bundick was indicted on August 7, 2013, with a venue move on October 1, 2013, a discovery motion on October 16, and with the trial date only a few days away she needed time to prepare.

Judge Tyler checking court records acknowledged that some of the paperwork for discovery was dated October 21. Continuing Judge Tyler said that there had been approximately 7 months since Ms. Bundick was taken in custody and the letter setting the trial date was dated September 9. Judge Tyler explained the law saying there had to be either a valid reason or a practical one to grant a continuance and with neither in this case the motion for continuance was being denied.

Ms. Dunham explained again that she had three other cases to prepare for when Judge Tyler told her he had assigned two attorneys to this case for that very reason. Ms. Dunham admitted there was a discussion about Garrett Dunham being the second attorney but no order was issued officially making him the second attorney. Judge Tyler asked the court clerk what the record showed and she reported no order was issued. Judge Tyler told Ms. Dunham to be ready on November 6 and adjourned the court for the day.


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