Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Christmas Celebrations At Furnace Town

The Holiday Season will be ushered in at Furnace Town Living Heritage Museum on Saturday, December 7th and Sunday, December 8th, 2013. Between Noon and 5:00 p.m. 

Furnace Town artisans will welcome you to their workplace as they weave, spin, make broom products, and pound iron at the forge.

Don’t miss a walk along The Paul Leifer Nature Trail over the Nassawango Cypress Swamp for views of cedar, cypress, and pine above – and sweet gum balls, partridge berry, and wintergreen at your feet. 

Warm up in the Gathering Room with mulled cider and cookies, and browse the Museum Store’s broad selection of created treasures made by Furnace Town’s own weaver, blacksmith, broom-maker, printer, woodworker, and gardener. 

The Museum also features books on local topics, toys of yesteryear, and many other local items.

 There will be crafts for kids, homemade breads and cookies, jewelry, wooden crafts and more available for purchase. Stroll the grounds to visit many local artisans with their unique crafts on hand.

Join us on Saturday at 7:00 pm for the 19th Century Christmas Service by the Snow Hill Ministerial Association & Rev. Andrew Frick in the historic Old Nazareth Church. The evening church service is free to all!

Also, on Sunday at 2:00pm there will be a hymn sing with Charlie Paperella & guests. Please come out and join us in sharing the holiday spirit!

Furnace Town’s daily admission will be applied both days. $6.00 adults / $5.00 over 60 & AAA / $3.00 children ages 2-18 and children under 2 are Free. 

The Evening Church Service is Free! 

Contact Furnace Town at 410-632-2032 for more information.

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