Thursday, November 21, 2013

One More Time: Arsonist Tanya Bundick Seeking Change Of Venue

When will this end for those of  us  residing in  Accomack County?  A Mother who left her children alone in the middle of the night to set fires, who risked the lives of SO many emergency personnel night after night, thinks she deserves special attention!  If she isn't satisfied  with Virginia Beach maybe the trial should be moved back to Accomack County so we all can attend!  

By Lauren Peirce and
Kody Leibowitz

ACCOMAC, Va. - The Accomack County woman accused of arson will soon be back in court, in an attempt to move the venue of her trial for the second time. WMDT learned Tonya Bundick will be back in court with her new lawyer on December 11th for a motions to change venues hearing. Her defense says they are looking at a number of locations outside of the Norfolk television market, including Emporia, Courtland and South Hill, due to the recently released video of Charles Smith speaking with police on the night of her arrest.

Bundick was supposed to be tried in Virginia Beach on November 6th, but that was delayed after her lawyers were granted removal from the case after a conflict of interest was learned with another client.

Her lawyer tells us they are looking to limit some of the evidence in the trial. At this time, Bundick faces one count of arson and one count of conspiracy. When asked if he expects other charges to be filed against his client, he said he does. The defense adds they are looking at scheduling the trial after January first, between January and February.



  1. Anonymous1:32:00 PM

    I think they should hold trial in Accomac...I bet those residents would like to see a little justice she has well earned and all on her own accord, according to the videos of her counterpart..if not for her there probaly would not have been any fires...any mother who leaves her children home to go set fires with her boyfriend deserves exactly what she's got coming to her...she should suck it up as her counterpart did and take the punishment instead of avoiding it for a few months, costing the taxpayers MORE money!!...I hope they throw the book at her!!! Her own kids don't deserve to be raised in that kinda of enviroment and with the kind of mentality their mother has...her thinking is definetly distorted!

  2. BINGO! I've been saying that all along. Suddenly, according to some, because she is a Mother she deserves certain rights! Drawing this trial out is NOT fair to those who had to risk life to fight it or provide protection. It isn't fair to the citizens who were taunted for months! Where is the justice for those persons??


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