Saturday, November 2, 2013

Solar Eclipse- Rare Celestial Sight On Sunday Morning

On Sunday skywatchers will be treated to the last solar eclipse of 2013.
The Nov. 3 hybrid solar eclipse will follow a path across the Atlantic Ocean and over Africa. In North America, the eclipse will be visible only to observers on the East Coast.
Sunday's eclipse is considered a hybrid because it's essentially a mashup of two familiar types of eclipse. It will start as an annular eclipse, with the awesome "ring of fire" around the sun, before morphing into a total solar eclipse, in which the sun is totally blocked for a brief period.
The Slooh Space Camera will livestream the eclipse online as seen from Kenya, where the sun and moon will form a total solar eclipse.
On the East Coast of the U.S., the best chance of seeing the hybrid solar eclipse will be at 6:30 a.m. ET. Skywatchers near Boston and New York should expect to see themoon covering more than half the sun. Farther south, a smaller portion of sun will be obscured.

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