Friday, November 8, 2013

Virginia Gov.-elect Terry McAuliffe Reaches Out To Republicans

Virginia Gov.-elect Terry McAuliffe is reaching out to rival Republicans, looking to put the acrimonious campaign behind him.

McAuliffe on Wednesday was heading to Richmond, where he will move into the governor's office in January. McAuliffe, a former Democratic National Committee chairman, signaled that he would do everything he could to find compromise with Republicans who control the legislature.

He says he wants to make Virginia "a model of pragmatic leadership."

The 56-year-old McAuliffe defeated Republican Ken Cuccinelli in a campaign that was driven by a crush of negative advertising, non-stop accusations of dodgy dealings and a tea party-backed nominee who tested the limits of swing-voting Virginia.

McAuliffe immediately promised to reach across party lines, starting with a pledge to meet with Republican lawmakers to find areas where they might collaborate.


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