Thursday, January 23, 2014

Candidate for Pocomoke City Council District 3 Launches Campaign Website

Kim Jackson, Candidate for Pocomoke City Council District 3, launches campaign website

Jackson says she will use the page to keep the public up to date on any campaign news.  The candidate hopes it will allow people to get to know her even better, and understand her position on current issues.  You will also find links to Facebook and Twitter.

"Social media is an amazing tool.  It enables me to be far more accessible, literally giving people a direct link to ask questions".

Jackson closed by saying, "I hope people will take advantage of these platforms.  I am looking forward to hearing from them".

Campaign Website


  1. Concerned Citizen7:29:00 PM

    The only disappointment that I will have in Kim Jackson is if she pull out of the race. We want her for her honesty and strong integrity. VOTE KIM JACKSON FOR CITY COUNCIL

  2. I have spoken with Kim and know that she has lots of positive ideas for Pocomoke! She owns a business in the heart of downtown and lives close by. Kim knows what is going on!


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