Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hogan Announces Running Mate at Campaign Rally

Larry Hogan kicked off his gubernatorial campaign this evening with a lively event at Mike's Crab House in Riva, MD. Hogan surprised an already enthusiastic crowd of over 500 supporters with the announcement of his running mate, former Maryland Cabinet Secretary Boyd Rutherford.

Boyd is an accomplished attorney who brings a wealth of both private and public sector experience to the Hogan campaign, having served as Maryland's Secretary of the Department of General Services under Governor Bob Ehrlich and Assistant Secretary for Administration of the U.S. Department of Agriculture under President George W. Bush. In both capacities, Rutherford holds a strong track record of saving millions in taxpayer dollars while increasing the efficiency of each agency.

In their remarks, Hogan and Rutherford each stressed the high level of involvement the Lieutenant Governor would have in their administration. Rutherford told the crowd:

"Accordingly, my pledge to you is simple:  When Governor Hogan assigns this Lieutenant Governor a policy initiative to implement, I will question and I will monitor, and I will safeguard the spending of your tax dollars every waking hour."

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