Thursday, January 23, 2014

MD House of Correction Dismantled

MD  House of  Correction
Crane Begins to Dismantle MD House of Correction
Ongoing Inmate Deconstruction Project is Largest of its Kind in America

TOWSON, MD (January 17, 2014)---A landmark deconstruction event began in earnest today, when the contractor working with inmates to take down the Maryland House of Correction began using heavy equipment to remove large chunks of the building. The 45-ton crane arrived on the work site in three trucks and was assembled on site. Media were invited out to record the crane’s first work, and what will likely be the public’s last glimpse of the historic prison in its intact state.

Begun by former DPSCS Secretary Gary Maynard—who returned to witness today’s historic moment--- the House of Correction deconstruction is the most unique and largest inmate labor project in America. More than 120 inmates have been trained in hazardous materials abatement and other skills, as inmates themselves help to deconstruct the prison, which opened its doors in 1879 and closed after a spate of fatal violence in 2007.

While it was Maynard’s vision that led to this project, it was made possible through a collaboration of multiple state agencies, foundations and the building trades. A $150,000 grant from the Abell Foundation paid for the inmate training. The Department of Labor Licensing and Regulation developed the curriculum and brought together the building trades needed to help with the pre-apprenticeship certification inmate completing the program receive.

The House deconstruction is the single largest Public Safety Works (PSW) effort ever undertaken by DPSCS. PSW is the Department’s signature inmate restorative justice program, which features three to four hundred inmates on any given day performing meaningful (and often skilled labor) jobs to pay society back. These have included the restoration of historic cemeteries and battlefields, the “planting” of tens of millions of oyster spat and trees, the construction of handicap-accessible curbs, and the rebuilding of flooded and storm-damaged towns, playgrounds, and parks.

“This moment is the culmination of a tremendous effort,” said DPSCS Secretary Gregg Hershberger. '‘Nowhere else in America are inmates involved in so meaningful a project.”

Added former Secretary Gary Maynard, whose idea led to the deconstruction: “Maryland is a leader in many correctional areas, and this project shows what can be done when good people work together in an effort to save taxpayers and teach inmates at the same time. I want to thank our partners at DLLR, the Abell Foundation and the MD Historic Trust for making all of this happen.”

Closed by Governor Martin O’Malley and Secretary Maynard in March of 2007 after the murder of Correctional Officer David McGuinn and several other fatal and near-fatal incidents of violence, the House of Correction was one of the nation’s oldest maximum-security prisons still in use. Its 28-inch-thick walls, narrow catwalks, and long, multi-tiered wings were unique in all of America---but the antiquated design contributed to the violence.


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