Friday, January 3, 2014

PIZZA NIGHT ~ New Church Volunteer Fire and Rescue

Here's a GREAT idea for dinner on a cold, snowy evening!!

You don't even have to get out of your vehicle!!


  1. Anonymous5:04:00 PM

    I sure hope it's not cold and snowy on April 5th!

    Your friend,

  2. Anonymous9:33:00 PM

    Might want to update the flyer you use.. They're $12 now but just as delicious. Enjoyed a little too much of one tonight! Rather my dollars go to some hard working volunteers trying to buy fire equipment over a local chain.

  3. Thanks anon. 9:33. I wasn't aware of the price change either until we picked up our pizza. I agree with you in the fact I had rather spend the money with the fire department than a nearby chain.

    We haven't missed a Friday since they began selling them!


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