Monday, January 6, 2014

Pocomoke Mayor and Council Minutes ~ November 2013

The regular meeting of the Pocomoke Mayor and Council was held in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Monday, November 4, 2013. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.

Present: Mayor Bruce Morrison
Council Members: Rob Clarke,
Tracey Cottman, Diane Downing
Don Malloy, George Tasker
City Attorney William Hudson
City Manager Russell W. Blake
City Clerk Carol L. Sullivan
Review Minutes:
         In a motion (Downing, Clarke passed), to approve the minutes of October 7, 2013
Review Bills:
         In a motion (Cottman, Tasker passed), the bills presented to be paid. (Copy of bill list attached to original minutes).
Authorize Mayor to sign proclamation for Native American Heritage Month:
        Mayor Morrison read the Proclamation declaring November as Native American Month and November 29, 2013 as Native American Heritage Day. He presented it to Valerie Miller, of the Assateague Peoples tribe.
Representative of PKS, Inc. to present annual audit report for year ended June 30, 2013:
        Mr. Kleger stated that the purpose of their attendance was to make a formal presentation to highlight the annual audit findings. He added that the firm’s audit opinion was “a clean or unqualified opinion”, which is the highest opinion that they can render regarding the City’s audit.
         Ms. Michalik stated that there was an error reconciling the bank statements from July last year. She stated that is looked as if it was balanced but it was not. It took extra time to find the error which was that several numbers were lumped into one posting transaction. She then discussed the General Fund Revenues by source, stating that total revenues were $4,595,067. Property taxes accounted for 69% of the total revenue, followed by intergovernmental revenues of 23%. Mr. Kleger stated that the City’s financial position remains stable.
       City Manager Blake stated that the City has enjoyed working with Ms. Michalik and the staff of PKS, Inc.
       Mayor Morrison thanked them for coming and going over the financial report.

Reappoint Councilwoman Tracey Cottman as representative to Tri-County Council:
        Mayor Morrison stated that Councilwoman Cottman is no longer able to attend the meetings and asked if anyone else would like to be appointed to this very important committee.
        In a motion (Malloy, Downing passed) to appoint Councilman Clarke to represent Worcester County towns on this council for two years.

City Manager to recommend purchase of new tasers for police officers:
        City Manager Blake presented a summary that describes the Tasers, stating that Taser International is the sole source for the Tasers. The Tasers will be utilized by officers as a safety measure to keep the officers and community safe from harm. The budget was approved for $8,500, and the cost of the Tasers will be $8,537.46.
        In a motion (Malloy, Cottman passed) to approve to purchase of eight (8) Tasers in the amount of $8,537.46, and waiving the bidding process.
        City Manager Blake stated that Chief Sewell did a TV interview this afternoon.
        Councilman Clarke thanked the Chief for solving several cases in a short period of time, and he stated that he was very pleased with his efforts.
        Chief Sewell thanked the Mayor and Council.

Authorize Mayor to sign proclamation for Dysautonomia Awareness Month:
        City Council Vice President Clarke read the proclamation for the record and presented it to JoEllen Gladding on behalf of Brittney Lewis.
        In a motion (Malloy, Cottman passed) to authorize Mayor Morrison to sign proclamation for Dysautonomia Awareness month.

City Manager to present three-month budget summary report:
        City Manager Blake presented a summary of revenues and expenses. It appears that we are doing as we expected at this time. General Fund Revenues for the first quarter are more than expected at 49.54%. Ambulance Fund revenues are low because we have not received $367,000 in County funds yet. With all three funds we have received about 39% of projected revenues. City Manager Blake stated that the City budget is in good shape for the first 90 days.
Comments from audience:
         Mr. Gary McLhiney from Schlachman Belsky & Weiner stated that he was a labor consultant who was approached by some police officers to open a dialogue between the them and the Council concerning certain “working conditions” in the Police Department. 
        Mayor Morrison stated that personnel issues would not be discussed during an open meeting. He stated that we would be interested in speaking with Mr. McLhiney about the concerns in a closed work session and that the City would contact him.
        Ms. Leona Hill asked the City for property to be donated for a science playground near the Discovery Center. She stated that the playground would go hand in hand with the Discovery Center. It would take up all City owned property between Clarke Ave. and Riverside Drive and between Willow Street and Maple Street.
Councilwoman Cottman asked if she had applied for grants to help with this project.
        Ms. Hill stated that she needed the land before she could apply for grants.
        Councilman Clarke asked how much property she would need. He stated that it sounded like a good project but not sure about the location of the property.
         Ms. Hill stated that the playground would belong to the City but she had set up a foundation to maintain the equipment, so the City would not be out any monies just the property for the equipment.
        Councilwoman Cottman asked if the property was currently being used.
        City Manager Blake stated that it is used for the football practices, fall festival and over flow parking for the restaurant, as well as a community garden providing educational opportunities and produce for the Samaritan Shelter. It has been operating there for two years.
       Mayor Morrison stated that the Council would have a work session and would have an answer for Ms. Hill in the near future.

Comments from Council:
        Councilman Tasker stated that there is a leaking water valve near Fifteen Street and Linden Drive. He also mentioned that there are some potholes in Lynnhaven Drive.
        Councilwoman Downing stated that the Mayor and Council are invited to the MLK Banquet January 20, 2014 at 6:30 P.M. at the Wicomico Youth Center.
        Councilman Clarke suggested that the City send a letter to Donnie Drewer concerning the condition of Market Street. City Manager Blake offered to call Mr. Drewer.
        With no further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Malloy and seconded by Councilwoman Cottman to adjourn at 8:17 PM.

Carol L. Sullivan
City Clerk


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