Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Recount Pending In Virginia Election

In what is becoming a familiar refrain in Virginia another election night as ended in a dead heat and will likely be decided by a recount. Lynwood Lewis of Accomac is clinging to a 22 vote lead as the result of yesterday's Senate District 6 election. Lewis has an unofficial total of 10,197 votes with challenger Wayne Coleman getting 10,175. If the lead holds, Lewis will swing the balance in the Virginia Senate to the Democrats. The results of the election should be certified sometime next week.

Interestingly enough, both candidates lost on their home turf with Lewis losing in Accomack County 3382 to 3191. Chincoteague, Atlantic, Greenbackville, Bloxom, Parksley, Saxis, Accomac, Tangier and Wachapreague precincts went to Coleman with Oak Hall, Mappsville, Rue, Onancock, Onley, Bobtown, Melfa, and Painter going to Lewis. In Norfolk Lewis defeated Coleman 4909 to 4502.

In Northampton Lewis defeated Coleman 1387 to 961 with Lewis winning four out of five precincts. There were only four precincts in Virginia Beach with Coleman winning 108 to 90. Matthews County went strongly for Coleman who got 1222 votes compared to 620 for Lewis.

Should Lewis retain his lead, that would trigger another election to replace him in the House of Delegates. However the 2014 session of the General Assembly begins today and it is a 60 day session. It will be unlikely that there will be enough time to have a primary and a special election this session which will mean that Virginia's 100th district in the House of Delegates will be vacant during the 2014 session.

We should find out very soon if the Coleman camp will officially request a recount.

Election Results

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