Friday, January 17, 2014

Vote Trotter in District 3, Pocomoke

My name is Dale Trotter and I am a candidate for Councilman in District 3 of Pocomoke City.
I have met with many of you regarding my decision to run for Council but for those I have not yet spoken with please let me explain. In 1993 my wife, Lori and I moved to the Eastern Shore and found the crown jewel, Pocomoke City. Like any new couple we loved the people, stores, and everything about this community. My wife and I have been very fortunate to raise four daughters that have attended or attend Pocomoke City Schools thru the Worcester County School System. My employment has been with either Pocomoke City or now Worcester County since 1997.
Our community, is a place that I call home and I want to work to keep you here, as well as to attract new home owners that may call it home as well.
I would like to see increased community activities in our downtown area, Cypress Park and throughout our great town.
Anyone living here knows, that Pocomoke City is the Friendliest Town on the Eastern Shore and I want to work to keep it that way.
I favor increased participation by our town government to assist and attract business owners to our downtown area, and other shopping areas.
Our river front is seeing increased use since the Riverside Grill opened. A great addition to our area. I also favor boat docking and the possibility of a marina or similar in our downtown area or along the river front. Additionally I would love to see us work hand in hand with our downtown coordinator and allow her the mobility to "think outside the box" and make things happen for Pocomoke City. The Discovery Center and the Marva Theatre are great opportunities that allow for our community to thrive, I miss the "festivals" and the "Downtown Block Parties" that once helped our community come together; lets make it happen again!
Additionally I would like to see us work with the Downtown Association to "make it happen" regarding new businesses coming to town and the building owner, so that both see progress and benefit from our actions. I feel this would assist in eliminating so many "empty" buildings; that do nothing to attract or cause someone passing thru, to stop and be a consumer in Pocomoke which is obviously vital to a thriving community.
I would also like to make it a priority to clean up, restore or demolish properties that have become an eyesore. I would work with other members of the Council and City Manager to help make this attainable rather than so far reached for the property owners.
The major thing I would like to bring to District 3 is the opportunity to always be able to contact your Councilman, by phone, text, facebook or any other electronic means or in person with your problems and know in your heart that the issue will be addressed to the greatest extent of my power and that I am approachable.
Several of these ideas are in place already, we just need to work harder at keeping it on the fore front of our mission and continue to watch Pocomoke prosper and grow and I feel I am your choice for Councilman.
Many of you know me personally, I take my job serious and I am commited to your service. I look forward to visiting with you in your stores and homes over the next several weeks leading to April 1st. Thanks for your time reading this, I sincerely hope it was time well spent and you realize my love and passion for Pocomoke City.
The job of Councilman will far reach outside our district and involve our community, I am open to your concerns and welcome the opportunity to serve as your City Councilman, please vote Dale Trotter on April 1st, 2014.
Thanks again;

Dale Trotter
Candidate for City Council, Pocomoke City


  1. Anonymous3:38:00 PM

    I am so pleased to read this. Unfortunately not being a Pocomoke resident I can't vote in this election but I would like to offer my opinion.
    Dale Trotter is the deputy who oversees the county community meetings. I've attended. Not only has this endeavor acquired him a great deal of experience in community affairs it also has given those of us who attend, an insight to his commitment in wanting to make the area a better place for everyone.
    He is not only sensitive to the concerns of citizens, but very open to all opinions and sources. He's a forward thinker which is an attribute all elected officials should possess.
    I don't think anyone in the district would be disappointed to have him represent them.
    I'm kind of surprised to see he's entering the political arena because he doesn't fit the mold in that he doesn't dominate the conversation like most politicians who don't know when to shut up and make excuse after excuse for some concern a citizen may have. Dale Trotter actually listens.

  2. Anonymous3:45:00 PM

    The only people that would be opposed to Trotter becoming a councilman would be the ones on the wrong side of the law.

  3. Anonymous4:07:00 PM

    3:57 and others-Quit with the smart remarks. If you have a legitimate concern as to why you don't think he's qualified then tell us but useless babble serves no purpose. If you want to debate intelligently then bring it on otherwise there are several other blogs that don't mind the silliness.
    This country is in such a tailspin that elections are more important now than they've ever been in our lifetime and it's time to treat them as such.

  4. Anonymous3:40:00 AM

    Good luck Trotter!

  5. Ashley East10:01:00 AM

    Good luck. Wish I could give you my vote.

  6. Anonymous7:37:00 PM

    What I want to know is if any of the candidates are democrats. I know it doesn't matter in these city elections but I'm not voting for any democrats ever again. Come state election time I'm even hanging a sign on my front door telling them to stay away!

  7. Anonymous7:40:00 PM

    If any of the democrats send me stuff in the mail it's getting ripped up and sent right back to them too!

  8. Anonymous11:09:00 PM

    IF the Sheriff took him off the road why is the Sheriff on his personal facebook page wishing him the best of luck with the election!!! Also, you all expecting a police officer not to do their jobs of citing people for violations and making arrest for people breaking the law is like going to the bank and the teller not giving you money back when you complete a withdraw request! Everyone has a job to do! You cant fault the police officer or Trotter for you breaking the law!!!!!!!

  9. Anonymous3:29:00 AM

    It seems that all the negative comments are from people that have meet Mr. Trotter when he was on the job, that is your fault for screwing up, not his fault for doing his job.
    I have known Mr. Trotter and his family for a few years now, If I am right, he has been in the military, the Pocomoke PD and now the County Sheriff Dept., were he became a K-9 sheriff and now he wants to be a councilman….. It seems the man has a heart to serve the people around him, not surprising to me at all, but might be to you if you don’t know him.
    Mr. Trotter can be stubborn at times but who isn’t when you are passionate about a subject, when he is right he is right and when he is wrong he admits he is wrong. We have not always agreed with each other but you can count on Dale to always do the right thing and to listen to an opinion other than his.
    Mr. Trotter is a Godly man as well, I know where his passion to serve comes from, I have seen it firsthand and Pocomoke City could do a site worse than having Mr. Trotter on the council. You have my vote.
