Monday, February 10, 2014

A Few Words From Pocomoke City Mayor Bruce Morrison

I would like to thank the citizens of Pocomoke City for allowing me to serve a second term as Mayor.

I have thoroughly enjoyed being Mayor of this great city and look forward to leading us in the next three years continuing to move Pocomoke in a forward direction.

  Thank you again for your confidence in me.

Mayor Bruce Morrison


  1. Anonymous9:16:00 AM

    Thank you for your time and dedication, Bruce

  2. Anonymous9:58:00 AM

    Thank God they were just a few words. Jeez....That man can almost talk as much as McDermott!

    On a serious note, Morrison has done a fine job as mayor and represented our City well. Keep up the good work.

    CL Marshall

  3. Anonymous3:40:00 PM

    I want to personally take this opportunity to thank you Mayor Morrison. Pocomoke City is defiantly a safer place since you took over as Mayor. I'm looking forward for the next three years with you in office.


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