Monday, February 24, 2014

Accomack County Circuit Court Report

Accomack County Circuit

Nathan Charnock  - charged with probation violation for a carnal knowledge conviction. Charnock was released on in 2011 after having served two years for this conviction. The probation violation was the failing of his periodic drug test. Having been rearrested on October 30, 2013 and in jail ever since for the violation and with a 10 year suspended sentence hanging over his head judge Lewis re-imposed all of the original sentence but re-suspended all of this time except for one year with credit given for time served since October.

Zelmayia Kelly -  originally charged with forgery, but was in court for a probation violation with 11 months and 10 days remaining on her sentence. Judge Lewis re-imposed the entire 11 months and 10 days after telling the defendant that he did not believe she was accepting personal responsibility.

Ashley Warrington - charged with distribution of cocaine, possession with intent to distribute cocaine, and possession of marijuana. There was a combination of six charges on these three issues with three being Nolle processed and a guilty plea for distribution of cocaine on December 4, 2012 and two distribution of cocaine charges on January 8, 2013. Assistant Commonwealth attorney Matt Brenner explained to the court that an informant made these three purchases in the Hallwood area and one in the yard of the defendant all of which were audio and video recorded.

The three buys total $250. Judge Lewis accepted the guilty plea continued this case for presentence report to be received June 2, 2014.

Calvin Nock - charged with leaving the scene of an accident, driving on a suspended license and failing to maintain lane. As Mr. Nock once arrested was very cooperative the Commonwealth dismissed the lane charge. With a guilty plea and the fact that complete restitution was made by the insurance company Mr. Nock was allowed to stay out on bond until June 2 when his sentencing would take place.

David Tull - charged with embezzlement. This case was about the misuse of a company credit card. Complete restitution had been made and since Mr. Tull had received similar charges in Maryland and had served nine months there, judge Lewis sentenced Mr. Tull to five years on each charge +12 months on a misdemeanor charge with all suspended giving the defendant five years of supervised probation.

Thomassena Capers - charged with possession of cocaine, possession of marijuana, driving on a suspended drivers license, and reckless driving. Ms. Capers was convicted on June 6, 2013 and pled guilty. She was in court for sentencing. Evidence presented to the court said that only trace amounts of cocaine were found in a pipe which fell out of the car at a traffic stop. Prosecuting attorney Matt Brenner explained that this was the third or more time that Ms. Capers had been arrested for driving on a suspended license and that the traffic stop and reckless driving charge came from her turning left at a red light while squealing the tires.

Judge Lewis sentenced the defendant on the possession charge to 30 days with all but 10 days suspended, on the suspended drivers license charge she received 12 months with all but 30 days suspended, on the reckless driving charge she received three months with all but 10 days suspended, and on the final charge of possession of cocaine she was sentenced to five years all suspended.

Zachary Ford - charged with assault and battery of a police officer. Mr. Ford now 28 years old and a resident of Chincoteague Island kicked at the officer one time at the site of a DUI arrest and once more while in the police station for testing. Judge Lewis saying that he felt that Mr. Ford felt like the world owed him something, but explained that no matter what cards life had dealt everyone had to abide by the law.

 Sentencing Mr. Ford to four years on the two charges with all the time suspended if the completed the Willow Oaks abuse clinic.

Larry Godfrey - charged with obtaining money by false pretense. Godfrey entered a guilty plea in July 2013. With restitution paid in full from the identity theft Mr. Godfrey was sentenced to five years with all suspended except for four months.

Timmy Taylor - charged with assault battery third offense of a family member. Having been convicted on May 1,2013 of spanking and 11-year-old child causing bruises and abrasions judge Lewis sentenced Mr. Taylor to five years with all but four and half months suspended under the condition that he could not be alone with the victim.

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