Saturday, February 8, 2014

Another Resident Files For Pocomoke City Council/ District 3

Just in time to meet the deadline Retired Pocomoke City Police Chief J.D. Ervin has added his name to run for Pocomoke City Councilman in District 3.  The seat is currently held by Councilman Don Malloy.

This brings the total number of those residents who have filed for the position  to three.

The three names in the running for Pocomoke City Council- Ditrict 3 in Pocomoke City are:

Dale Trotter - who  has been with either Pocomoke City or now Worcester County since 1997.

Kim Jackson - busness owner in downtown Pocomoke City.

J.D. Ervin - Retired Pocomoke City Police Chief after 16 years of service.

In the Mayoral race no one filed to run against the current Mayor Bruce Morrison. 

The election for District 3 will take place on April 1, 2014.

More information on those in the running as it becomes available.


  1. Anonymous8:03:00 PM

    Great choice. Have a lot of experience and can help the Pocomoke Govt. With his knowledge. Ervin have my vote.

  2. Anonymous5:06:00 PM

    Outstanding! Cant wait to see the changes he can bring to the council table!


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