Thursday, February 6, 2014

Delivery Of Antares Stage 1 Assembly

The delivery of the Anteres Stage 1 Assembly had been delayed until Wednesday, February 5, 2014. 

So, Wednesday morning around 8:00 a.m. the rocket assembly passed through the intersection of Route 13 and Route 113 in Pocomoke City, Maryland headed for Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia just a few miles south.

The next targeted date for launching of the Anteres rocket is scheduled for sometime in April 2014.

We'll be waiting and watching for more updated information.

Many thanks Leslie and


  1. Anonymous11:33:00 AM

    I was lucky enough to see this big bird yesterday! I know they are built by Orbital Science, but where? How far did it have to go to get here?

    Your friend,

  2. Anonymous2:46:00 PM

    Yeah, what he said. Where did this big baby come from? Anybody?

  3. Give me some time and I will see if I can find the answers to those questions.

  4. Anonymous5:00:00 PM

    Wherever it came from, somebody did a helluva good job planning and coordinating to get it down the roads.

    Your friend,

  5. I'm sure they used the same procedure for this as was done for the first one. I never seem to be about town when the rocket is being transported- too early for me. But they say it is a sight to see!

    Some thought it was a silo!

  6. Anonymous6:23:00 PM

    Well, the photos are nice, but don't do it justice. When you see that thing up close it's just HUGE!!! I have been lucky enough to see it twice at the intersection of 13 & 113; the first time one came through and again Wednesday. It's just amazing.

    Please see what you can find out. I've googled everything I can think of but can't find out where it's built.

    Your friend,

  7. Anonymous10:31:00 PM

    The Antares first stage rockets were originally built in the Ukraine but are modified for use in the USA by an American company, AeroJET. They are shipped via water to Wilmington, DE or Newark, NJ, can't remember. Once unloaded from the ship, they make their way down to the Wallops Island assembly building by truck, as you can see.

    Next launch is scheduled for the evening of 01MAY2014 at around 5:40 PM so it should be another spectacular show.

  8. Anonymous8:47:00 AM

    Okay, that makes sense, and it's interesting. Thank you!

    Your friend,


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