Sunday, February 2, 2014

TIME MACHINE ... 1952, 1886, 1969, 1966, 1881, 1901

 (Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archive material)
January, 1952
(Salisbury Times)

The Navy has planned to make the Chincoteague Base a $44,000,000 establishment.  Expansion plans include additional barrack to accommodate 700 men; a new 2,000-man mess hall; more than 300-unit apartments for civilian and service personnel; a new chapel and a new gymnasium.  Currently the base has 1,500 men and a payroll of nearly $4,000,000 a year.

May, 1886
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac Court House)

Mr. A. Parker has purchased property at Pocomoke City, Md., which he will enlarge and use as a hotel.

Footnote:  This property was at the southwest corner of Clarke Avenue and Willow street and became the Parker House Hotel (in later years, the Peacock Hotel).

February, 1969
(Youngstown Vindicator- Youngstown, Ohio)

60 Red Trawlers Off Virginia; U.S. To Board Zone Violators

Ships Fish Inside Limit Of 12 Miles


PORTSMOUTH, Va. (AP)-  A spokesman for the 5th Coast Guard District reported late Saturday that a fleet of Communist Bloc fishing trawlers off of Virginia's Eastern Shore had grown to 60 vessels, at least 20 of which had violated the 12-mile fishing zone reserved for U.S. ships.

While a Coast Guard HC-130 aircraft circled overhead, the cutter Point Arena sped to the scene to make a report.

However, all the ships had retreated to international waters by the time the cutter arrived.

Shortly before dark a Coast Guard HC-130 aircraft had reported two or three of the trawlers still operating within the 12-mile fishing limit claimed by the United States.

An earlier report from the aircraft confirmed that 20 of the Soviet ships had violated U.S. claimed waters off the Virginia coast, but most began scattering seaward when it was reported the Point Arena had been dispatched from Portsmouth.

Even so, Lt. Leo Black, group commander of Coast Guard group Chincoteague, aboard the Point Arena, handed a message to the Soviet "mother ship" Pomorze.

The Coast Guard said the message warned the Soviet skipper his ships had violated U.S. law by entering the 12-mile limit and advised that a repeat of the offense would cause his ships to be "boarded and possibly seized."

November, 1966 (Time Machine archive)
(Press Telegram- Long Beach, Calif.)

Pro Grid Meets On Merger

New York (AP)-  A joint committee of the American and National Football Leagues went into a closed session today to work out details of their merger- particularly the Super Bowl and a common draft.

President Johnson signed into law a bill giving the merger limited immunity from antitrust laws Tuesday. 

Under the merger plans the leagues will play a Super Bowl in January pitting the AFL champion against the NFL champions.  The leagues will also have a common player draft and will plan a schedule of inter league, pre-season games next season.

Those were among the items the committee was scheduled to discuss today, but a league spokesmen said no announcement would be made.

NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle will preside at the meeting.

September, 1881
(Denton Journal)

Water Ten Cents A Gallon.-  Owing to the extremely dry weather of the past month the stock of water on hand in Crisfield has been entirely consumed.  The demand is now supplied from the Princess Anne wells.  It is brought down by the Eastern Shore Railroad Company and dealt out to the eager purchasers at ten cents per gallon.- Crisfield Leader.

August, 1901
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac Court House)

An automobile will be one of the attractions of the Peninsula Fair.  It will run daily during the fair for the entertainment of all within its gates.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish.   Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:57:00 AM

    How times have changed.....NAS Chincoteague had a payroll of nearly $4 million for 1,500 men. Wow, that's a whole $2,666 per year average! Of course gasoline was $0.29 a gallon and a new house could be built for $10,000 back then.

    Your friend,


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