Monday, February 3, 2014

Todays Date in 1959 ~ "The Day The Music Died"

Buddy Holly's plane went down in an Iowa cornfield  (a little past 1 a.m.) on Feb. 3, 1959.

Fifty-five years ago today, a small plane crash in an icy  field in Iowa, one of the defining moments of rock 'n' roll history took place.  Aboard that plane were rockers Buddy Holly, J.P. ("The Big Bopper")  Richardson and Ritchie Valens.  The  deaths of these three musicians resonated across the musical landscape for years to come.

Some say the deaths  of the trio is what prompted Don McClean to write the song American Pie.

Others also claim  the entire song is a tribute to Buddy Holly and a commentary on how rock and roll music changed in the years since his death.

Most of us - teenagers then, may remember Don McClean as sang on stage in many colleges across America.  This song is forever etched in our hearts....


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