Monday, March 10, 2014

David Craig Announces New Addition to Campaign Team

Mon, Mar 10, 2014

David Craig announced today that Stephen J. Salamon, a former Chairman of the Maryland Health Care Commission, will assume the official duties of campaign finance chairman.

As an adviser to the campaign prior to being officially named as finance chairman, Salamon has already had a wide-ranging impact on the Craig campaign by enabling it to launch the first paid commercials of the 2014 gubernatorial elections that highlight sweeping reform of Maryland’s budget and tax policies.  He also has been a policy adviser on implementing the Affordable Care Act, leveraging his 33 years of insurance industry experience to allow the Craig campaign to develop solutions to reduce the effects of the bungled implementation of the law in Maryland.  And he led the campaign decision making process in accepting public financing.
“There is no one better to take over the reins of our finance operation at this critical juncture as the General Assembly is a month away from adjourning and our campaign moves forward full speed ahead, “ said Craig.  “As Jeannie Haddaway and myself travel to every corner of the state, we now have a trusted professional who can help us raise the funds to get our message out through paid media as we continue to build our grassroots momentum.”

Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. appointed Salamon to the Health Care Commission in early 2003. The Governor then named Salamon chair the next year serving through the first term.   His vast insurance industry experience again overlapped in political circles where Salamon led the National Association of Health Underwriters Political Action Committee prior to Ehrlich’s election in 2002. 

“David Craig is leading the policy agenda in the GOP primary with bold proposals to cut the income tax and improve the implementation of health care reform in Maryland, “ said Salamon. “As county executive, a state legislator and mayor, there is no one more qualified among any of the candidates to reform state government and enable economic opportunity.  Serving as Maryland’s governor is not an entry-level position.”

The campaign’s recent decision to accept public financing will reduce the influence of entrenched political machines during the general election and build a war chest with matching contributions during the primary season.  The state program allows the campaign to accept a dollar-for-dollar match at specified limits.

Salamon resides in Hunt Valley and continues to serve his clients as a senior employee benefits consultant.   

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