Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hogan condemns O'Malley/Brown Adminstration .....

Mar 25, 2014
Hogan condemns O'Malley/Brown Administration broken pension promise, urges restoration of full funding

Annapolis, MD - March 25 - Gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan today called upon House and Senate leaders to reject the O'Malley/Brown Administration's plan to withhold $100 million in promised payments into state worker pension funds.

Hogan said:  "The O’Malley/Brown Administration's scheme to loot $100,000,000 in promised payments into state employees' pension funds is shameful.  There are a lot of good hardworking people in state government and they should not have to pay the price for the O'Malley/Brown Administration's reckless spending and mismanagement.  State leaders need to keep their promise to these workers," Hogan concluded.

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