Friday, April 18, 2014

A Tremendous Opportunity/ Hogan for Governor

Dear Pocomoke,
The opportunity for change in Maryland has never been as great as it is today. Our momentum is proof!
 This week, we released our first finance report showing we have outpaced all of the other candidates for governor – in both parties. In just 68 days, over 2,000 grassroots contributors have donated to our campaign, and because of their generosity, we outraised both Doug Gansler and Anthony Brown in the same time frame. In fact, in our first 68 days we raised more than all of the other Republican candidates combined raised in 2013.
 But we aren't just winning the money race. The grassroots are on our side, too!
 Over 3,000 fed-up Marylanders have attended our recent events, and our social media presence has grown by over 11,000. Our campaign has visited 20 of Maryland's 24 counties, and our aggressive TV and radio advertising campaign is growing our number of volunteers and supporters rapidly.

Even better, the political environment in Maryland is tilting in our favor. A recent poll released by the Gansler campaign shows that support for Lt. Governor Brown has fallen 14 points as the election draws closer and his failures in leadership are brought to light.
We cannot let this opportunity to finally change Maryland for the better go to waste. We have had much success over the past two months, but there is still so much work left to do.
Pocomoke, can we count on your support to keep our momentum going? Our campaign relies on the grassroots support of people like you to finally stand up and fight back for a change.

Click here to donate now.
Together, We Can Win!
Thank you, 

Larry Hogan

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