Friday, April 25, 2014

According To A New State Poll Majority Opposes Medicaid Expansion

A new poll shows that the majority of Virginians oppose a plan favored by Gov. Terry McAuliffe to use federal Medicaid funds to provide health insurance to low-income residents.

A poll from Christopher Newport University's Judy Ford Wason Center for Public Policy poll released Thursday shows that Virginia voters oppose Medicaid expansion 53 percent to 41 percent. In February, the university found the majority of voters favored Medicaid expansion 56 to 38.

The shift in the public's views suggests that Republican lawmakers are winning the long-running public relations over McAuliffe and Democratic lawmakers.

Lawmakers have been deadlocked on Medicaid expansion for several months. The impasse led the General Assembly to adjourn in March without passing a $96 billion two-year budget, which could lead to a potential state government shutdown.


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