Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Hogan Raises More Than $450k In First 68 Days; Outpaces All Dem and GOP Rivals

Larry Hogan fundraising surges past early estimate; $453,397.45 raised in first filing period.

Business leader outpaces Democrat and Republican rivals in early donations; funds raised in smaller denominations donations than Brown, Gansler and GOP challengers.

Annapolis, MD – April 15 – In the first campaign finance report of his bid for governor of Maryland, Larry Hogan raised $453,397.45 in mostly small donations from more than 2,000 individuals.  The haul is considerably higher than the campaign’s earlier estimate of having raised $422,000 in just under 70 days.   The sheer amount of money raised puts the Anne Arundel County business owner and grassroots leader ahead of where Anthony Brown was at the same stage of his campaign yet with more than double the sitting two-term Lt. Governor’s number of early donors.

The early financial support also puts Hogan well ahead of where Attorney General Doug Gansler was days after his announcement and is nearly the amount raised by his all Republican challengers combined in the last full calendar year.  The finance report filed to today covers the first 68 days of the Hogan-Rutherford campaign and will be posted online at

Hogan said, “The message we’re hearing as we tour the state and meet one-on-one with voters in their homes, businesses and communities is that they’re ready for a governor who’ll put working families and small businesses ahead of Annapolis elites,” Hogan said.   “Boyd and I are humbled that so many Marylanders are joining with us in our effort to bring fiscal restraint and common sense government back to Annapolis.

The campaign also reported “surging” grassroots support, a robust social media presence and its first TV and radio ads.  In the first months the campaign, Hogan had visited 20 of Maryland’s 24 counties, had more than 3,000 people attend events, and strengthened its social media presence by an additional 10,500 followers.

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