Thursday, April 3, 2014

News Release: Hogan Airs First TV Ads of MD GOP Gubernatorial Primary

Hogan for Governor 
Hogan First Republican to Launch TV Campaign
ANNAPOLIS – APRIL 3 - Candidate Larry Hogan today will launch the first TV ads of the Republican gubernatorial primary.  The TV buy is the first in what the Hogan-Rutherford campaign promises will be an aggressive media effort leading up to the June 24 primary.
Hogan said, "Just two months ago I announced my candidacy, and since that time we have focused on building a campaign that will compete head-to-head with the Democratic nominee.  The incredible outpouring of support from Marylanders we have received enables us to begin our TV and radio campaign earlier than we ever anticipated," said Hogan.  "This next phase of our campaign will help take our message of fiscal restraint and common sense government to every corner of the state."
The first 30-second TV spot highlights Hogan's experience as a business owner and founder of a nonpartisan grassroots organization and the failure of status-quo politics in Maryland over the past seven years.




"The largest grassroots organization dedicated to changing Maryland wasn’t started by a politician, but a businessman, a community leader, a father.  Larry Hogan.  Like you, Hogan was fed up with 40 tax increases in a row, even taxing the rain.  Too many lost jobs.  And a failed health care exchange.  Today, Larry Hogan is running for governor.  To turn this state around, with fresh ideas that benefit everyone.  Larry Hogan. 
Because we can’t change Maryland without changing governors."

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