Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hogan Airs Second TV Ad in Statewide Buy....

Hogan airs second TV ad in statewide buy; “Together we can change Maryland for the better.” 

ANNAPOLIS – MAY 27 – Gubernatorial Candidate Larry Hogan today launched his second ad of the GOP primary.  Airing statewide, the 30 second spot “Together” is narrated by Hogan and features the Anne Arundel County business executive meeting with voters.  The new ad follows last week’s announcement that the Hogan-Rutherford campaign has surpassed the fundraising threshold required to receive matching public campaign funds.  In addition to the funds raised directly, the campaign is expected to receive more than $2.5 million in public funds which it says will enable them to “hit the ground running after the June 24 primary.”

The 30-second TV spot begins by referencing a recent Gallup survey that found that 47 percent of Marylanders “would leave if they could.”  The ad highlights Hogan’s economic platform and the need to “get spending under control” and “roll back as many of [the O’Malley-Brown administration’s] 40 tax increases as we can.”

SEE VIDEO CLIP:  http://youtu.be/NfOyV0BlKns

“Tell me – how many of your know someone who is thinking about leaving Maryland?  Raise your hand.

Nearly half would leave if they could.  Now, that kind of breaks my heart.

We have three priorities:  We’re about jobs, middle class families and restoring our economy.

The first thing we’ve got to do is get spending under control, and then we want to roll back as many of these forty tax increases as we can.

We’re the only state that taxes the rain.

They never met a tax that they didn’t like, or at least one they didn’t hike.

My name is Larry Hogan and together we can change Maryland for the better.”

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