Saturday, July 19, 2014


Our beloved Brenda (JMMB) believed that we all have a Guardian Angel, she even knew the name of hers. She made me promise to keep PPE alive, and the people informed and "KEEP IT POSITIVE" she would say and find someone to take her place, (that will never happen) I believe that we have a Guardian Angel now, and I know 'her' name just Like Brenda knew hers. So with much regret in my heart I ask.    

We are looking for someone that loves our area that would like to meet interesting people, make new friends, and see new places. It really doesn't take much time but you must enjoy what you'd be doing. Of course a phone and camera are the most used tools minus the computer. If you think you'd like to be a investigator, reporter, publisher and would like to give it a try please contact me on facebook or my email address on the right of the PPE Blog 

This is a position ideal for someone that has spare time that they would like to fill with fun and doesn't mind volunteering to keep or community informed on all the local happenings and events and also show future visitors and tourist all the hidden treasures of downtown Pocomoke. Actually if you are active and visit local events, meetings, etc. anyway then it takes very little time, a few pictures and then typing your experience of that event on PPE and that's it.


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