Sunday, July 20, 2014

TIME MACHINE ... 1975, 1920, 1931, 1881, 1905

(Reader Friendly Viewing Of News Archive/Historical  Archive Material)

June, 1975
The Daily Mail (Hagerstown, Md.)

School paper's adviser removed in sex controversy

SNOW HILL, Md. (AP)-  A controversy here over an issue of the Snow Hill school newspaper devoted to sex education has forced the removal of the paper's adviser in the same week she received an award as Maryland's "newspaper adviser of the year."

Rebecca Dawson, a 29-year-old French teacher at the small Worcester County school, was selected by the Baltimore Sunpapers last week as the winner of the 1975 scholastic journalism award.  

She was replaced shortly thereafter as teacher-adviser for the Eagle because of what school principal Kelly Hunt Shumate described as community wrath over the May 1 issue, which contained research by the staff into birth control, contraceptives, and abortion.

An accompanying editorial called for sex education in the school system starting in the sixth grade to help prevent teenage pregnancies.

Shumate said "there has been a great deal of reaction" to the sex education articles in the community, and added if he had seen them before publication he would not have approved them.

The principal said it is Miss Dawson's contention that neither an adviser nor any other school official can ethically or legally censor a student newspaper.  But, he continued, an adviser can exert strong guidance without outright censorship.

William M. Bernard, who heads the Sunpaper's high school journalism awards program, described the Eagle as a paper "that provides a forum in which students can have a part when there is no other outlet."

"It has gone beyond being a bulletin board," he continued, "and has not been afraid to get into issues the students are interested in."

To prepare the sex education issue, six staff members interviewed doctors, a psychiatrist, social service and public health officials, teenage mothers, and two 16-year-old unwed fathers.     

Footnote:  Two months later the approaching new school year brought  a new development.  Read about it next Sunday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye.

March, 1920
The Washington Post


Believes Bills Would Kill Seafood Industries- Public Services Are Need

Crisfield, Md., March 21.-  Public prayer services were held in all the churches of Crisfield today, the ministers praying for the deliverance of their people from the hardships which they claim would be placed upon them by bills now in the legislature, which provide for increased taxes and lincenses on the different branches of the crab and oyster business.

For more than a week Crisfield has been alarmed by the prospect of what the majority of people say would be confiscatory  taxes on its one great industry- seafood.  Meetings of the protest have been held nightly.

The taxing measures are those which are backed in the legislature by the conservation commission and provide increased legislation fee on oysters, increased crabbers' license, increased oyster tongers' license and the placement of a shipment tax on hard and soft-shelled crabs. 

July, 1931
The Denton Journal


No Depression In Del-Mar-Va

That the Del-Mar-Va Peninsula will not admit that it is being "depressed by depression," will be broadcast to the nation next Sunday in the National Baloon Races, to be held at Akron, Ohio, where the Del-Mar-Va Peninsula will be represented by an entry.

Official announcement has been made at headquarters of The Del-Mar-Va Eastern Shore Association Monday that all arrangements for the Del-Mar-Va baloon to compete in the national race have been completed.  The baloon will be supplied by the Goodyear-Zeppelin Corporation, of Akron, Ohio, of standard racing size and especially equipped.

The primary purpose of the Del-Mar-Va Peninsula being represented in this event is to call attention to the fact that the Peninsula is one agricultural section which has withstood the recent unfavorable conditions in a sound manner and is facing the future most optimistically.

The Del-Mar-Va baloon will carry printed on each side, "Del-Mar-Va, the Peninsula of Plenty," the original slogan of the Del-Mar-Va Association when it was formed six years ago. Literature will be distributed by the pilots while the baloon is enroute.  It will include an invitation to visit and investigate Del-Mar-Va.

The entry of the Del-Mar-Va baloon has been made possible by the contributions of approximately twenty business leaders throughout the Peninsula who have accepted a pro rata share of the expense entailed.

Officials of the Del-Mar-Va Association feel that undoubtedly every citizen on the Peninsula will be interested in following this event and its outcome. It will undoubtedly be covered by radio broadcast. 

September, 1881 (Time Machine archive)
(Denton Journal)

Water Ten Cents A Gallon.-  Owing to the extremely dry weather of the past month the stock of water on hand in Crisfield has been entirely consumed.  The demand is now supplied from the Princess Anne wells .  It is brought down by the Eastern Shore Railroad Company and dealt out to the eager purchasers at ten cents per gallon.- Crisfield Leader.

July, 1905
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac Court House)


Sample Rooms.  Steam Heat.  Hot & Cold Water Bath Rooms.

Parker House,

A. Parker, Prop'r.

C.E. Towsend's Livery Attached.  Pocomoke City, Md.

All Kinds of High Grade Whiskies & Wines.  Sold by the gallon, quart and pint.   

Send Postoffice Money Order or Check with order and your address and Package will be shipped by First Train.

In 1902 The Times of Washington, D.C. published a full page feature article on "...the quaint island of Tangier, an island that is without a counterpart in this country."  It gave a most timely and interesting description of the Tangier Island of 112 years ago and the daily life of its citizens.  Beginning next Sunday we'll be posting a portion of this article each week.  

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish.   Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

"Somewhere over
the Rainbow
Bluebirds fly..."

Flying on for JMMB

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