Monday, September 15, 2014

Speaker Boehner: House Is Ready to Work with President on Plan to Destroy ISIS, but White House Must Address Strategy Questions

Speaker Boehner: House Is Ready to Work with President on Plan to Destroy ISIS, but White House Must Address Strategy Questions

At his weekly press briefing, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) said the House stands “ready to work with the president to put in place a plan that would destroy and defeat ISIL,” while underscoring the need for the president to address questions and concerns that remain regarding his strategy.  Following are Speaker Boehner’s remarks:

“Last night the president finally began to make the case that the nation has needed him to make for quite some time: that we must destroy and defeat this terrorist threat.  ISIL is a sophisticated and determined enemy, and in order to be successful we must have a comprehensive strategy designed to destroy and to defeat it.

“I think that last night the president made a compelling case for action, but as I said in my statement last night, there are still questions and concerns that remain.  For example, I support the president’s plan to train and equip Iraqi Security Forces and the Syrian opposition.  But I remain concerned that those measures could take years to fully implement at a time when ISIL’s momentum and territorial gains must be halted and reversed immediately... (READ MORE)

Senate Democrats Would Overturn Free Speech Protections to Silence Critics

U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate Floor today regarding Senate Democrats’ attempt to limit free speech:

“Earlier today, one Democrat Senator urged his colleagues to get serious about the real challenges facing our country – challenges like dealing with the threat of ISIL. He implored fellow Democrats not to focus all their time instead, quote, ‘doing things that are of lesser importance.’

“Yet, his voice seems to have been ignored by the Democrats who run the Senate. Because here we stand, debating their proposal on whether or not to take an eraser to the First Amendment... (READ MORE)

Chairman Rogers Introduces Short Term Continuing Resolution to Maintain Government Operations, Prevent Shutdown

House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers has introduced a short term Continuing Resolution (CR) (H.J.Res.124) to prevent a government shutdown at the end of the fiscal year on September 30, 2014.

The legislation continues funding for government programs and services at the current annual cap rate of $1.012 trillion until December 11, 2014. This rate of funding will remain in place for the length of the continuing resolution, or until Congress approves the annual Appropriations legislation for fiscal year 2015. The bill is “clean” and does not contain highly controversial provisions.

Chairman Rogers gave the following statement on the introduction of the CR... (READ MORE)

Helping Families Keep Their Plan & Peace of Mind

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement after bipartisan House passage of H.R. 3522, the Employee Health Care Protection Act, which would allow Americans in the group insurance market to keep or choose the plans they like

“In this tough economy, hardworking families need all the peace of mind they can get, and by helping them keep the plan they like, Bill Cassidy’s bill does just that.  It would mean getting more people back to work, lowering costs at home, and restoring opportunity.  Of course, to protect our workers from all of ObamaCare’s broken promises, we need to repeal this law and replace it with solutions that lower costs and protect jobs... (READ MORE)

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