Friday, October 3, 2014



During the past few months in the early morning hours, there have been several local businesses that were broken into and ransacked.   The suspects were looking for cash and easily re-sellable items that are easy to carry.    Pocomoke City Police have initiated additional patrols in the area during the day and evening hours.

Pocomoke City is a quiet community and residents may become complacent about security.  I encourage business owners and residents alike to make sure you do not leave your doors unlocked after business hours and to leave a security light on that would deter individuals from trying to hide in the darkness.  In addition, the installation of security alarms and cameras would be an added asset and deterrent for criminals.  It seems that these individuals are targeting businesses that are known to not have any cameras or security systems in operation.

Please remain vigilant and notify the Pocomoke City Police Department of any suspicious activity that you may see.

Kelvin D. Sewell
Chief of Police

October 3, 2014


  1. Anonymous4:09:00 PM

    I know four of the nuckle heads who was already arrested by Pocomoke PD for burglary. But the courts let them back out. How frustrating this must be to our law enforcement.

  2. Anonymous10:39:00 AM

    Not just businesses, homes have been vandalized also. We need more police $$$ to allow for more patrols and overtime to process the cases.

  3. Anonymous12:05:00 PM

    I agree with you 100%. The police are doing there job and doing there job well but more police are needed.

  4. Anonymous12:14:00 PM

    I agree the Police are doing a fantastic job here in pocomoke.

  5. Anonymous4:07:00 PM

    The police have plenty if they just come off the highway and take care of town insead of staying in the office or on the highway. as for resources, if you need more ask the county and state for help. they helped before...

  6. Anonymous4:14:00 PM

    yeah u right Anonymous, other towns with more people, make less and take care of crime in town better. when the last time you see them walk downtown or park and get out. these guys think they in a big city and don't even care enough to get out and talk with us..jus worried about the highway, other day one in the white dodge passed me in westover, I was going 70 and he passed me like I was stopped. call the chief and he still doing it; surprised they let them drive that far from office... sad

  7. Anonymous4:52:00 PM

    WE NEED OFFICER MEANS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEST WOMAN COP THEIR WAS.

  8. Anonymous6:33:00 PM

    Cannot agree with you anonymous 4:14 these new cops are always walking foot patrols downtown and even in neighborhoods. I see them daily. I enjoy reading the arrest blog monthly that officers put out. Can't remember those many arrest before in pocomoke. As for you driving your car at 70 mph, you should be thanking the officer for not receiving a ticket. Think before you write buddy.

  9. Anonymous10:11:00 PM

    4:14 You are flat out wrong. Chief Sewell has increased foot patrols since he took over. I see them downtown all the time doing business checks. If you ask the merchants, many will tell you the PCPD officers stop by to see how things are going and offer assistance. Foot patrols have increased around Bonneville, 4th & 2nd, Ninth St. and other areas in town. I do agree though that they are on the highway too much.

  10. Anonymous8:02:00 PM

    I think they doing a good job, but need to keep working, do look like they slowed down a bit. I live on cedar street and saw bike patrols, and feet patrol but havenet seen them doing much anything lately except on highway., every morning I drive thru town and I see them on highway and at station, that's it. saw the sheriff dept Friday all up in the back burner, took one guy to jail, had a dog searching cars. a Pocomoke cop sitting at library watching them.

  11. Anonymous8:09:00 AM

    I talked to chief Sewell Friday night he was walking foot patrol with one of his officers in the back burns. Is Is it possible you saw the pocomoke officers making the arrest instead of the county deputies, they do wear the same uniforms at night. Pocomoke did just get a new k9 dog and as far as seeing the county deputies in the back burns as you call it, I live in the back burns and I never see county deputies here. I see a lot of pocomoke officers walking foot here everyday, evening and night time. They parked there vehicles at Rev. Jenkins church before they get out and walk. And tell me how can you see a deputy making an arrest in the back burns from the library. Fishy.

  12. Anonymous9:35:00 PM

    8:09 anonymous, call it like you want, the cops was deputies, it was trader used to work in Pocomoke, I knew him when he worked at midway, and when I drove by the Pocomoke officer was just sittin at the library. Bottom line is this, we need the state police in Pocomoke to help the Chiefs out. The Pocomoke and deputies can't do it along, I never seen state police in Pocomoke accept a few years ago.

  13. Anonymous11:31:00 PM

    when did means leave, I didn't know he was gone

  14. Anonymous9:09:00 AM

    more money, more money more money, people must think the town has a money machine. chief, why not use the detective bureau at isle of wight to do your investigations, and continue to use passwaters for your drug problenms..and waaa laaaa you can now put baley back on the street and let your police work the town patrolling...


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