Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"Illegal" Brown Super PAC transfers large sums to secretive national group; Ceases fundraising amid state investigation

ANNAPOLIS, MD – October 27 – Following Hogan-Rutherford's official complaint detailing illegal coordination by Anthony Brown's campaign, a Brown-allied Super PAC, "One State One Future," has now ceased fundraising operations and transferred money to "American Families First Action Fund," a group that had been dormant for four years.  

The latest finance report from the Brown campaign showed that the group suddenly received an infusion of cash from the Super PAC and that "One State One Future" had ceased buying advertisements or making other expenditures in benefit of Anthony Brown's campaign. The Hogan campaign submitted its complaint of illegal coordination to the State Board of Elections last month.

"If Anthony Brown's Super PAC isn't running advertisements and transferred all their money into this previously-dormant group, is this an admission that they broke the law?" asked Hogan campaign manager Steve Crim. "While we have not heard back from Board of Elections on the status of our complaint, it has become clear that Brown and his campaign have broken the law. Why has no one confronted the Brown campaign and American Families First, which now appears to be paying for the $1.1 million in false, desperate attack ads against Larry Hogan? The people of Maryland deserve answers."

In addition to being dormant for the last four years, "American Families First Action Fund" has no website or social media presence, and has not revealed any of its other donors.
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For more information and interviews, contact Hannah Marr M: (443) 935-3684hmarr@hoganforgovernor.com
Web: www.hoganforgovernor.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/Hogan4Governor

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ChangeMaryland

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