Thursday, October 30, 2014

Keep your appointment to vote!!!

Dear Pokomoke,
Don't forget the polls are open from 10am - 8pm today and tomorrow! And tomorrow is the last day you can early vote!

Click here to check your polling place! sure to check your ballot for errors before you hit "cast your ballot" at the polls...I'm sure you've heard it all over the news -- there have been several faulty machines changing people's ballots this year!
Once you've voted:
  • Tell friends that you voted; it will motivate them to get involved and do the same!
  • Email friends and family to remind them that early voting has started and to vote HOGAN FOR GOVERNOR!
  • Download our Facebook Badges and let everyone know that you voted for HOGAN!
We know that we have the momentum. But your vote, and getting your friends to vote, is critical to our GET OUT THE VOTE effort and it's the most important thing you’ll do this whole campaign.
Thank you for Your Support,

Larry Hogan

Hogan for Governor · 2635 Riva Rd, Suite 100, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States
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Authority: Hogan-Rutherford Committee to Change Maryland,
John C. Wobensmith, Treasurer.

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