Wednesday, October 8, 2014

McDermott Outlines Why He Is Running

McDermott Outlines Why He Is Running

For Immediate Release

To bring Eastern Shore values to the table in Annapolis, this is why I am running, because you deserve a voice...I have stood up for you in the House, and I will fight for you in the Senate.”said candidate for State Senate, Delegate Mike McDermott during a PAC 14 interview last week. During the course of the interview with Phil Tilghman, McDermott touched on a wide variety of issues currently facing the Eastern Shore, including economic instability, education, and tax hikes.

We don’t need followers, that place is full of followers...getting elected is not the end goal. We need leaders from the shore to go up there and represent our values” said McDermott when asked how to move the Eastern Shore forward. “Our people are hurting, they deserve better” concluded McDermott.

McDermott’s full interview with Tilghman can be viewed by clicking the link below. In just 30 minutes, McDermott outlines his reason for running for the State Senate seat in District 38. If you want to make an informed choice come election day, this piece is for you.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:06:00 PM

    This man needs to be in Annapolis, if"nothing" else he will tell it like it is and ruffle enough feathers to produce "change". And at this point, any change is good! Good Luck Mike, you have my vote!


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