Saturday, May 16, 2015


The Pocomoke City Rotary Club is sponsoring "Flags 

for Heroes" to honor those heroes who have served in 

the military, local law enforcement, fire and rescue,

health care, teaching or any individuals who have made 

a difference in the lives of others in our community. 

With a donation of $50.00, a flag will be displayed in 

honor of your hero in a prominent location in town 

Proceeds will go to support our local veteran's 

charities, Pocomoke fire, rescue & police departments. 

For further information, contact Tom Moskios, Rotary

Vice President, at 443-437-7111.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:49:00 PM

    Thank you to the Pocomoke City Rotary, without a doubt the best fundraiser I have seen this year. Honor our Heroes and donate!


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