Sunday, May 31, 2015

TIME MACHINE ... 1942, 1954, 1988, 1937, 1982, 1885

"Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore."  Our tradition runs deep.  Excerpt from a letter to the editor from a visitor to Newtown, (former name of Pocomoke City) published in the Baltimore Sun, April 28,1847.

This place (Newtown) is a pretty snug little village, containing about 500 clever and hospitable inhabitants; it has good wide streets, quite clear of that "eye sore," known mostly over the Peninsula by the name of "deep sand"; the houses, though built of frame, are generally built substantially and with some discretion and taste; there are two neat, new, and quite handsome frame churches in it; as for the merchants of the place, suffice it to state that they are very clever and hospitable.  F. Mezick, Esq., the landlord with whom I stopped, and his very obliging and jolly assistant, are richly deserving of a passing notice, for the good treatment and the extension of the many civilities to "the stranger."

(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)

May, 1942 
(Evening Times- Cumberland, Md.)


Ranging From $2 to $5.10 Per Crate, One Of Eastern Sho's Highest Markets

Princess Anne, Md., May 22. (AP)-  Strawberries selling through the farmers' cooperative auction block here are bringing from $2 to $5.10 per crate, which some growers said made the block one of the Eastern Shore's highest markets.

Prices to farmers are expected to go higher next week when later, sweeter varieties of strawberries such as the Big Joe, Candy and Chesapeake, come into market.

Nearly 25,000 crates were sold on the block in the last eight days, with growers trucking in berries from Oak Hall, *Beaver Dam, and New Church in Virginia; Stockton, Snow Hill and Pocomoke City in Worcester county, and from sections of Somerset and Wicomico counties.

Meanwhile, the Bureau of Agricultural economics at College Park reported that smaller harvest of strawberries and asparagus are anticipated in Maryland this year than in 1941.

*Beaver Dam, Maryland (there is a Beaver Dam, Virginia on the western shore).

June, 1954  
Worcester Democrat (Pocomoke City)

Awards Presented At Graduation Exercises Here

Eight Pocomoke High School seniors received special awards during graduation ceremonies held in the school auditorium last Friday evening.

Sandra Kleger won three awards and David Smith two. The complete list follows:

Old Home Prize - David Smith; Salutatorian - Sandra Kleger; American Legion Award: first girl-Sandra Kleger; tie for second, Ellen Henderson and Gayle McAllister. First boy - Donald Tilghman; tie for second - Robert E. Parsons and Donald S. Parsons.

Sandra Kleger, David Smith and Gerald Bailey all won Goldey-Beacom College spelling winner awards.

The Complete Program

Prelude, Mrs. Bernard M. Taylor; Processional, Pomp and Circumstances by Elger; Invocation, Rev. Vander Warner; "After Graduation Day", Senior Class; Salutatorian, Sandra Kleger.

"My Task", Male Chorus; Flags of the Eastern Shore, Old Home Prize Essay, David Smith; "Memories", Mixed Chorus; Awards Presentation, Mr. Verlin C. Krabill.

Clarinet Solo, David Smith, accompanied by Bill Jewby; Presentation of Diplomas, Mr. Clayton Scarborough; Class Song - with Bill Jewby accompanying, Senior Class. Farewell, Donald Tilghman, President of Class.

Song-Alma Mater, Audience and Senior Class; Benediction, Rev. J. Powell Eaton; Recessional, March From Aida by Verdi.

June, 1988
Somerset Herald  (Princess Anne)


Rotary honors top students and
4-Way Test essay winners at CRS 

The Crisfield Rotary Club once again hosted it Honor's Banquet last Wednesday evening at the Captain's Galley. Held annually, this event honors the top four students in each grade attending Crisfield High School. 

From the 12th grade: Darlene Robinson with a 4 0 grade point average, Kathy Marshall- 3.96, Nicole Evans-3.96. and Stacy Wallace-3.93.

The 11th grade:Davita Matthews 3.64, Lee Ann Lawson 3.54, Buffy Lynn Landon 3.54 and Donna Hayman 3.47. The tenth grade was represented by five students as there were two ties: John Phoebus 4.0, Wendy Lawrence 4.0, Stacey Nelson 3.79, Tonya Evans 3.75 and Shane Deacon 3.75. From the Ninth grade: Charles "Tag" Landon 4.0, Brian Wroten 3.86, Garrett Wilson 3.79 and John Wood 3.65. The Eighth Grade was represented by: Lori Ward 3.86, Leslie Belloso 3.82, Amrit Rayfield 3.73 and Stephanie Wallace 3.67. 

 September, 1937 

Two former major league baseball players were managing teams in the Eastern Shore League.  Pitcher Vic Keen was managing as well as pitching for the Pocomoke Red Sox and infielder Jake Flowers was managing the Salisbury Senators.  A couple of years later Keen managed the Salisbury team and Flowers came to Pocomoke to manage. Both had rounded out their big league careers with the St. Louis Cardinals.  

Keen and Flowers had Eastern Shore roots. Flowers was from Cambridge and Keen's father, a minister, brought his family from the western shore to Snow Hill where Keen was a star pitcher on the high school team.  After his major league career Keen made Pocomoke City his permanent residence and was involved in the poultry business.

More on Vic Keen at:

1982.. "Thinking Ahead For the 80's"

June, 1885
The National Tribune (Washington, D.C.)

Following is the inscription on the tomb of the first husband of Martha Washington at "Arlington," the original seat of the Custis family on the Eastern Shore of Virginia:

"Beneath this marble tomb lies ye body of the Honorable John Custis, Esq., of the city of Williamsburg and the Parish of Boston, formerly of Hanger's Parish on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and the county of Northampton, the place of his nativity. Aged 71 years, and yet lived but seven years, Which was the space of time he kept a bachelor's House at Arlington, on the Eastern Shore of Virginia."

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

PPE remembers JMMB.


  1. Anonymous7:52:00 PM

    I am old enough to remember Sandra Kleger. She had a great personality, was really intelligent but, more importantly, she was HOT! I often wonder what happened to her.

    Your friend,

  2. Anonymous8:29:00 PM

    I was scrolling through the Pocomoke Public Eye this evening and came across the PHS 1954 graduation article.

    I, also, am old enough to recall some of those class members including the classy young lady Slim mentions. They were a good group of kids from that era, as were my own classmates some years later.

    Ann L.


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