Monday, July 6, 2015

Help For Veterans!

Operation Hire Maryland to create a veteran-friendly business network

July 1, 2015 (Annapolis, MD) -- Under the leadership of Governor Larry Hogan, Secretary George Owings, of the Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs (MDVA) announced today the official launch of Operation Hire Maryland, an ongoing program designed to support employers as they establish or expand upon veteran hiring and retention programs.  Through the collaborative efforts of MDVA, State and Local Government, the Operation Hire Work Group, and Maryland employers, Operation Hire Maryland is building a veteran-friendly business network to share best practices and proven methods for recruitment and retention of veterans in the civilian work place. 

Following a successful employer training event held on June 4, employers were given the opportunity to begin registering to participate in Operation Hire Maryland.  As of July 1, over 25 employers are registered, representing State and Local Government, as well as private sector business.  Over 1,000 jobs for Maryland veterans, as well as for members of the National Guard and Reserve Components, are pledged for the coming fiscal year.  More registrations and pledges are expected in the coming months. 

“Maryland is home to over 430,000 veterans who have honorably served this great nation and state,” said Governor Larry Hogan.  “As our military men and women transition to a career in the civilian work place it makes good sense to inform Maryland employers on the best ways to recruit them.  Operation Hire Maryland is responding to the needs of employers and is investing in the future of our veterans and families.”

“On June 4, in a room full of employers, I was honored to designate Operation Hire Maryland as an ongoing program,” said MDVA Secretary George Owings.  “This is the start of a business network to help more of our veterans gain employment, start a new career, and support their successful transition to civilian life.  We are proud to be working with our state and local partners, as well as our business community on this worthy initiative.”

“Operation Hire Maryland, is a great opportunity for our veterans to work with employers that are looking for someone who is motivated, goal orientated and drug free,” said Maj. Gen. Linda L. Singh, the adjutant general of Maryland. “Veterans with their vast experience, bring a diversity of capabilities and ideas to the cooperate world that make them valuable employees.”  

Businesses and government agencies may register to participate in Operation Hire Maryland on a rolling basis.  Participation is free.  Employers are asked to pledge a specific number of veteran hires and to attend at least one Operation Hire Maryland training or networking event in the next year.  Hires will be tracked and employers will be recognized for their efforts to recruit and support veterans in the civilian work place.  Information on Operation Hire Maryland can be found at the MDVA website,, or by contacting Dana Hendrickson, Director of Outreach, MDVA, 410-260-3842

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