Friday, July 24, 2015

Pocomoke Remains In The News..


Some Pocomoke Residents Call For Mayor's Resignation, He Tells WBOC He's Staying

Posted: Jul 23, 2015 7:39 PM EDT
POCOMOKE, Md.-  It's been a few weeks since the Pocomoke City Council voted to remove their police chief.  Ever since that sudden announcement, supporters of Kelvin Sewell have rallied behind the chief.
The matter even caught the attention of the justice department, who this week was in town looking into the situation.  The group who has been pushing for the chief's reinstatement is now calling for the mayor's resignation.
It's been a turbulent few weeks in Pocomoke.  A group calling themselves "Citizens for a Better Pocomoke" are petitioning for the mayor's resignation.
"He should be gone, because he got rid of the chief without letting us know what what and why, and because he has his own agenda.  He is an elected official, he speaks for us, and right now, he's not," Michelle Lucas said.
In a statement to WBOC, Mayor Bruce Morrison said:

"I became involved 11 years ago to make positive influence in our community, I believe I've done that successfully.  It's been a very unfortunate and an inaccurate deception of Pocomoke City that is being presented right now.  I have every confidence that we will weather the storm.  I intend to work with all the residents of pocomoke city for a positive outcome.  I have no intention of resigning of mayor of Pocomoke City at this time."
Not everyone though believes the chief should resign.  Long time residents like Marc Scher say Mayor Morrison has been good for Pocomoke.
"He should definitely stay, I feel he has worked really hard, he takes pride in the job he's done, and definitely I think he should stay," said Scher.
"It's important that he stay because he's concerned about Pocomoke, he loves Pocomoke, he's lived here all of his life, and we need a good man representing Pocomoke like he does," said Joanne Lusby.
But others say by getting rid of the mayor, the chief may be able to come back.
"Get rid of the mayor.  Because he has not been honest.  He's a liar.  He did not give the community no explanation, he wanted to do what he wanted to do.  if we stick together as a community, we can get our chief back," said Michelle Kellam-Brown.
The group behind this petition to remove the mayor would not speak to us on camera today.  They intend to formally announce the petition Friday evening in Pocomoke City.


  1. Anonymous9:32:00 AM

    It seems the police are pretty happy with the leadership they have now... just ask them, they don't seem afraid to talk if you ask them. Do your research, maybe what you "hearing" isn't the issue at all

  2. Anonymous9:36:00 AM

    The Mayor and our counsel have all done a good job. we elected them, let them do the job, if you don't like it..don't fuss..just run for the position when you can, makes no since to be mean to one another. If you can do better, great.

  3. Anonymous3:18:00 PM

    I can't seem to understand why anyone would be dissatisfied that the chief was let go.
    What like 17 people were arrested for selling drugs right under his nose and it wasn't acted upon by him?
    Why did it take outside agencies to come in and do what the PCPD should have been doing. Why have a police dept to begin with if they are going to let the drug dealer operated carte blanche? Would have been a different story if the PCPD had asked the other agencies to help them but this doesn't seem to be the case as I've heard the former chief was livid that the raid even took place and he wasn't told about it prior.

  4. Anonymous11:27:00 PM

    I heard he even sent his men to snow hill, that should make you feel secure. don't worry it'll come out, the truth always come out.

  5. Anonymous8:05:00 AM

    For real Drug dealers having a field day in PC and Sewell's got the officers out catching cigarette haulers and writing speeding tickets on 13. The tax payers of PC should be livid that they are funding the PCPD.

  6. Anonymous10:27:00 AM

    maybe the citizens should ask for the pay rates and overtime rates of the Officers within Pocomoke City , it is public information just ask the Daily Times. That would ease some tension I am sure

  7. Anonymous5:05:00 PM

    Anon 11:27:00 PM said- "don't worry it'll come out, the truth always come out."

    What I would like to know is when because nothing is going to satisfy some people until then.

  8. Anonymous10:13:00 PM

    Michelle Lucas boyfriend is one of the people arrested in the drug raid, so who has the agenda?

    1. Anonymous7:33:00 AM

      She's making up stories too

  9. Anonymous8:15:00 AM

    Oh really 10:13. And who might that fine upstanding citizen be?
    No wonder she's PO'ed.
    Taking a bite out of crime must have certainly taken a bite out of her pocketbook.
    I wonder if she is a user as well? This would explain the babbling nonsense that comes out of that mouth of hers every time she's interviewed by the media.
    Next time she's interviewed she needs to be asked about this.

    1. Anonymous7:32:00 AM

      Did you know she did this?

  10. Anonymous10:09:00 AM

    I wonder if Lucas informed the DOJ reps of this tidbit at the meeting the other night?
    If true, the former chief and the citizens group really has a gem as their de facto spokeswoman.
    All of their credibility is shot if her man was one of the ones recently arrested.
    The first thing the citizens need to do before they worry about the mayor and council is to clean their own house.

  11. Anonymous1:06:00 PM

    I hope that Ernie Leatherbury comes and takes the Chiefs job, he is a man of character and good looking to boot.


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