Friday, July 31, 2015

WBOC Reports On Rally For Mayor..


Rally Held in Support of Embattled Pocomoke City Mayor

Posted: Jul 30, 2015 10:19 PM EDT
By Nicole Edenedo

POCOMOKE CITY, Md. -- A rally held in support of Pocomoke City's mayor and council Thursday night produced about 100 signatures pledging support for the city's leadership after some in the community have called for the mayor's resignation. 

It's been nearly a month since a personnel issue sparked a firestorm in Maryland's "friendliest town."

Mayor Bruce Morrison has been in the eye of that storm fending off allegations of incompetence, corruption and racial discrimination.

In June, former police chief Kelvin Sewell was terminated by the city council with the mayor's approval. Sewell's attorney told WBOC his termination was allegedly racially motivated. Some residents have been calling for the mayor's resignation.

Until now Morrison has not appeared on camera for WBOC. But at Thursday night's rally, the mayor had his chance to finally speak out.

"It's been very very hard for our family," said Morrison. "You know, to be accused of something.

 I'm not...I've always been a friendly person. I've been a good mayor," the mayor said.

And that's how the rally's supporters say they feel as well.

The rally's organizer Robert Cowger says this isn't just about Morrison.

"It's to show that the residents of this town believe in the entire mayor and council," said Cowger. "The mayor doesn't really make the decisions. The council is the one that makes the decisions. He just follows through after the decisions are made from the council."

Morrison has been asked to resign by a group that formed in the wake of the police chief controversy called "Citizens for a Better Pocomoke." But Morrison says he will not resign.

Morrison says he stands firm in his belief that the town's issues can be resolved through open  discussions.

"It's what good for our whole town and that's what I want to see. I want to see this thing fixed and I want to see us to move forward," said Morrison.

Cowger says the media's portrayal of Pocomoke City as a town in the throes of racial tension and discrimination is not true.

"This town's title is the friendliest town and you know we don't have those kinds of issues and  stuff down here," said Cowger. "And to try to turn that into that and make it into national news, it's just nogt right."

Cowger says the letters of support have about 100 signatures.

The letters of support will be presented at the next city council meeting on Monday August 3rd  in Pocomoke City.


  1. Maurice R Palmer4:50:00 PM

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  2. Anonymous10:03:00 AM

    Was crime really down though Maurice? I'm asking because of the big arrest back in June where all those people were arrested for dealing drugs. If you aren't arresting people for breaking the law then wouldn't that give the false appearance of crime being down?

  3. Anonymous6:34:00 PM

    I work for the police department and have for a while.
    I can assure you the crime rate hasn't dropped, if anything it has increased. just check and search uniform crime reporting statistics.
    I have shared this with people that need to know, things aren't always what they seem on the surface, we are better off and we appreciate the efforts of the mayor and council.
    its great to see the community finally coming together to say, we have heard enough lets hire a new chief and allow whatever happends to happen.
    I stand with several that hope the mayor reads this and knows that we appreciate him and Lt Starner, you have eased our pain and we appreciate it, nothing but "up" from here.

  4. Anonymous8:13:00 AM

    Maurice, I don't think the 2 are linked. The officer alleging the racial harassment did so a year prior to the termination of the former chief.
    There without a doubt is more to the story then the public is privy to at this point in time. I think it's best everyone wait to see what the dept of justice says before taking any more actions that are only serving to divide us.

  5. Anonymous9:49:00 AM

    It's quite hilarious how all of the former chief's supporters are choosing to ignore the big drug bust back in June.
    It's really sad that such dishonesty exists with these people. They chant ad nauseum how crime was down all the while hiding the fact that dealers were running rampant under Sewell's eyes.
    It's quite sad that alot of these people are parents and this is what they are teaching there children. It's no wonder so many end up drug dealers, users, criminals and many dead by violence. With parents who place so little value on honesty, the children don't stand a chance.


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