Monday, July 27, 2015


Have a comment or opinion? You're welcome to share it here on The Pocomoke Public Eye! 

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Some recent comments were:

(Sunday, 7/26)
I hope that Ernie Leatherbury comes and takes the Chiefs job, he is a man of character and good looking to boot. on Pocomoke Remains In The News..
at 1:06 PM
In the Pocomoke 2009 election, before the absentee ballots were counted the results were dead even at 58 each. There were 178 absentee ballots. How many elections do you know of where the absentee ballot number exceeds the number of in person votes? Now if the irregularities with the absentee ballots had not existed it still may have turned out the same. I do believe there was voter fraud in that election. on Pocomoke Petitioners..

at 12:13 PM
See also on Pocomoke Petitioners..
at 11:59 AM
Refer to on Pocomoke Petitioners..
at 11:53 AM
Anon 10 am, Agreed to a certain extent; that is how Stephanie Burke forced the last changes by taking her concerns to the States Attorney at the time. That still does not mean the town administrator did not have to do a better job of assuring the local elections are conducted ethically and properly and that the election board and town had adequate training, which they do not have so far. Why is there no provision for write in votes, for example? on Pocomoke Petitioners..
at 11:49 AM
I wonder if Lucas informed the DOJ reps of this tidbit at the meeting the other night? If true, the former chief and the citizens group really has a gem as their de facto spokeswoman. All of their credibility is shot if her man was one of the ones recently arrested. The first thing the citizens need to do before they worry about the mayor and council is to clean their own house. on Pocomoke Remains In The News..
at 10:09 AM
SBeyma, while the election was local, they are overseen by the State of MD. Any election issues then fall to that particular county's States Attorney's Office. onPocomoke Petitioners..
at 10:00 AM
I can remember seeing Honiss and whatever other seating council member up for reelection walking through neighborhoods, their back pocket full of absentee ballot forms. This was done with the full knowledge of city hall. Had we had the professional city manager the former city manager claimed to be, this would not have been possible. It was his duty to see that elections were conducted ethically and he failed miserably by intention. on Pocomoke Petitioners..
at 9:36 AM
Oh really 10:13. And who might that fine upstanding citizen be? No wonder she's PO'ed. Taking a bite out of crime must have certainly taken a bite out of her pocketbook. I wonder if she is a user as well? This would explain the babbling nonsense that comes out of that mouth of hers every time she's interviewed by the media. Next time she's interviewed she needs to be asked about this. on Pocomoke Remains In The News..
at 8:15 AM
9:27-Not so sure that the system was revised. I think it's more along the lines of Honiss died and isn't around to organize a Stuff the Ballot Box drive. I clearly remember the election where there were considerably more absentee ballots then there were more people who showed up to vote on election day. Yep-only those born yesterday thought everything was on the up and up. Those low information people and people who knew it was wrong, but chose to ignore. on Pocomoke Petitioners..

I grew up with Reuben Campbell (Sonny) Morrison and his little brother, Brucie. I've lost track of how many times Sonny has been in jail and I don't think much more of Brucie but at least he has never served time. Somehow he got himself elected Mayor so I've got to respect that but the key is the City Attorney. If he's any kind of lawyer he would have advised and prevented the Mayor and Council from doing anything blatantly illegal. Questionable, maybe but definitely not illegal. Brucie may come out of this with a whole lot of stink on him but I doubt there will be any charges. Your friend, Slim on Pocomoke Petitioners..

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:46:00 PM

    My opinion is I trust the Mayor and Council decision.


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