Sunday, August 30, 2015

Interview Given On Pocomoke Council Meetings.

Interim City Manager for Pocomoke City, Ernie Crowfoot, spoke to a media reporter regarding alleged closed city council meetings that some say related to former police chief Kelvin Sewell's termination.

Video and transcript:


  1. Anonymous9:20:00 AM

    There are a lot of little things in this video that are just a little squirrely. The reporterette implies that the meeting was closed to the press because they were requested to turn off their cameras; that's two separate issues. And why would anyone with half a brain interview Jonathan Taylor? He's just a sh** stirrer from out of town who is a legend in his own mind. Real News claims to be a non-profit organization but who is paying their bills? Cameras cost money, as does gasoline, travel expenses, salaries and somebody is paying for it. Who?

    Your friend,

  2. Anonymous5:33:00 PM

    Thanks Slim for the heads up. I now know to NOT view the video. When a 'news' site has to stoop so low and interview people like Jonathan Taylor I know it's not worth me even giving it a look.
    Taylor is a very dishonest person who is involved in a cover-up. Try a getting a comment posted about the June drug raid, the anon call or Sewell's difficulties while employed with the BPD. He won't approve them because he is a pathological liar afraid of the truth.
    I guess it is to be expected as I've heard the Taylors are known white trash family from way back.

  3. Anonymous5:43:00 PM

    "The reporterette implies that the meeting was closed to the press because they were requested to turn off their cameras"

    I caught that too Slim. What a bimbo. No wonder she's stuck working for some fly by night site that no one watches because it's so amateurish.
    To imply they were not allowed in the meeting because an officer said no filming is disingenuous. Another point is the video claims to not know why Sewell was fired. Downing said it had something to do with an anonymous telephone call he made about a drug matter back in March. Whoever is putting these videos together needs to do their homework.
    I would suggest if this site intends to attract viewers, the kind who are in a position to donate, it needs to get it's act together.

  4. Anonymous7:55:00 PM

    Stephen Janis is the common thread somehow. He co-authored Sewell's book, also co-authored Stephen Tabeling's book and is also the producer(?) of the Real News Network. He used to work for a Fox station in or around Baltimore and apparently has a lot of contacts in law enforcement. It would be nice if we could follow the money.

    Your friend,

  5. Anonymous3:53:00 PM

    The City needs to get a City Manager in place and hire a new Chief so that this can be put to rest.

  6. Anonymous2:28:00 PM

    I agree 3:53 but they have to do it carefully. Look what Pocomoke had before. Blake is as stupid as they come. With all the officers out their with pristine records dumb ass Blake picks Sewell who had a history in Baltimore of trying to cover for a bad cop. If Blake were even had a few working brain cells he would have picked up on this and not approved the hiring of Sewell. Then there was Ervin. Another goofy SOB too stupid to do his homework and find out Sewells background. It's not as if it would have been a hard thing to do.
    Blake and Ervin are 2 incompetent stains on Pocomoke who when either of them open their mouths can't possibly strike anyone as being even remotely smart and actually quite the opposition. They both act and sound like ignoramuses. They have nothing to be proud of in their history w/Pcomoke.

  7. Anonymous3:42:00 PM

    well 2:28 you looking at it wrong, Ervin recommended Sewell to Blake and taking him for his word and respecting his opinion ultimately hired Sewell. Could've and would've happened anywhere.
    If either had done there homework, we probably wouldn't be having this conversation, sadly.
    But like everyone else, we all thought he was the "Jewel of the Nile" until the water stopped flowing and you could see the rubbish on the bottom. oh well, live and learn.

  8. Anonymous5:36:00 PM

    No I am not looking at it wrong. Blake was tasked with a handful of responsibilities. This is Pocomoke we are talking about and not some big city. Hiring dept heads was one of them. It was his job and no one else's. Taking someone else's word means he neglected his responsibilities in a big way. While it's perfectly fine to get a recommendation is not okay to not do further due diligence.
    This all falls directly on Blake's incompetent back. He is a stain. He failed miserably in something that was so easy and would have prevented the mess Pocomoke finds itself in now.
    Ervin is just a dope in general for even considering hiring Sewell in the first place. If Ervin had even an average IQ level, Sewell's job app would have ended up in the circular file shortly upon submission.
    Dumb and Dumber comes to mind.


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