Sunday, August 2, 2015

TIME MACHINE ... 1948, 1955, 1935, 1985, 1903.

"Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore."  Our tradition runs deep.  Excerpt from a letter to the editor from a visitor to Newtown, (former name of Pocomoke City) published in the Baltimore Sun, April 28,1847.

This place (Newtown) is a pretty snug little village, containing about 500 clever and hospitable inhabitants; it has good wide streets, quite clear of that "eye sore," known mostly over the Peninsula by the name of "deep sand"; the houses, though built of frame, are generally built substantially and with some discretion and taste; there are two neat, new, and quite handsome frame churches in it; as for the merchants of the place, suffice it to state that they are very clever and hospitable.  F. Mezick, Esq., the landlord with whom I stopped, and his very obliging and jolly assistant, are richly deserving of a passing notice, for the good treatment and the extension of the many civilities to "the stranger."

(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)


                                                                 The Cumberland Evening Times (Cumberland, Md.)

January, 1955 (Time Machine archie)

(Citizens favor a consolidated high school to serve Pocomoke City and Snow.)

During the first week of January,1955, about 350 citizens from Pocomoke and Snow Hill, who had been organized as fact-finding groups, attended a meeting at Stephen Decatur High, the new consolidated school serving Ocean City and Berlin. They toured the school and were to gather information and opinions and forward their findings on to the Worcester County Commissioners, and legislators.

It was reported that the cost of a consolidated school would be $1,500,000, while separate schools would each cost half that amount.

Following the meeting it was reported that about half of those in attendance were favorable to Pocomoke and Snow Hill sharing a consolidated school similar to Stephen Decatur, a much lesser number favored two separate schools and the remainder were reserving opinion.  Pocomoke and Snow Hill PTA 's were to host  meetings the following week to gather public opinion on the matter and as to whether a county-wide referendum should be held. 

At the following week's meetings, in a close vote of 184 to 166 Snow Hill residents favored a consolidated school between Snow Hill and Pocomoke.  At the Pocomoke meeting the vote was 172 to 72 in favor of a consolidated school.  By a wider margin both Pocomoke and Snow Hill residents voted against the issue being decided by a county-wide referendum.

Stockton residents presented the County Commissioners with a petition favoring the consolidated school, signed by 175 of 201 of its citizens who were approached. 

The heads of the fact-finding committees from Snow Hill and Pocomoke expressed the opinion that a consolidated school would be more practical than two separate schools.  The Board Of Education appeared to agree with proponents that better educational facilities at a lower cost could be provided with a consolidated school. 

But a delegation of city officials and businessmen headed by the mayors of Pocomoke and Snow Hill told the County Commissioners that they favored separate schools for each community and their respective city councils had voted resolutions in support of that choice.

Proponents for a consolidated school claimed support for their cause was in the majority.  They had meetings with the County Commissioners, Board Of Education, and members of Worcester County's state legislative delegation but the final decision of the County Commissioners was to pursue separate High Schools for Pocomoke and Snow Hill.  In March the Maryland legislature passed a bond bill funding construction of the separate schools.

January, 1985
The Crisfield Times


Julian "Juke" Tyler, Crisfield's Clerk/Treasurer since February, 1977, will become the city's first City Manager within the next few days. The city council has amended its charter to add the position of city manager to the city administration. In his new position, Mr. Tyler will become deputy mayor, and with the approval of the Mayor and Council, shall appoint heads of all offices, departments, and agencies of the city government as established by the charter, or by ordinance.

When Mr. Tyler stepped up to his new position, he was replaced by Gail Rayfield as clerk/treasure. She was formerly assistant clerk/treasurer.

November, 1935
Daily News Record (Harrisonburg, Va.)


ONANCOCK, Nov.12. (AP)- Excavators for the new post office which is to be built here with public works administration money have unearthed skeletons and whiskey bottles.

It is local opinion that the skeletons were left by the Indians, the whiskey bottles by the whites.

Six skulls were found and amateur archaeologists here say the spot probably served as a burial place for the Onancock Indian tribe; arrowheads and tomahawks have been found in nearby fields.

In more recent days a bar was located on the site.  That is believed to account for the presence of the bottles. 

Men's Fashions For Summertime..1903.

                                                                            Peninsula Enterprise (Accomac)

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