Friday, October 2, 2015

Chief Harden Assumes Duties..


Posted October 2, 2015

The Pocomoke City Police Department welcomes William “Bill” Harden to his first day as Chief of Police. Chief Harden was officially sworn in last evening during a ceremony among the Mayor and City Council, City Business and Faith Leaders, Family and Friends. Chief Harden retired from the Maryland State Police after 25 years of service serving as Division Commander for Special Operations. He also worked with the Wicomico County Detention Center as an Investigator.

Chief Harden is ready to put his efforts and knowledge to good use in Pocomoke City. Harden is feeling positive and has dealt with challenging situations in the past and is ready to utilize his expertise to benefit the Pocomoke City Police Department and the citizens of Pocomoke City. “I’m excited,” he said. “I’m ready to start the job.”


  1. Anonymous1:30:00 PM

    great article. This man is a great gardner and will pull all the weeds. Pocomoke did well in choosing him.

  2. Anonymous3:21:00 PM

    Did someone really have their tires flatten and animals killed on their property? Jonathan Taylor is claiming this has happened to a Sewell supporter. I find it hard to believe someone would hang around long enough to let the air out of someones tires.
    As far as the animals being killed, I've requested he post pictures and follow up as to if LE and WorCo Animal Control were notified. I'm posting here because I am offering to underwrite a reward if in fact animal cruelty is involved which leads to the arrest of the person/persons.
    If anyone has any info regarding this claim of the killing of animals please post the info here.

  3. Anonymous6:47:00 PM

    Who knows with JT. I have heard he has issues with lying and has had this difficulty, his whole life. I would tend to think, if any of what he says is true, there would be pictures already posted. Either he's lying or he once again, is allowing himself to be used as someone's Useful Idiot, which appears to be his only purpose in life.

  4. Anonymous7:30:00 PM

    JT is a idiot and only allows post that promote Sewell's lies, which promote unrest. Don't allow the false stories to bring our town down, we are in the correct direction. Time for this to be put to rest. Thrive on the positive!

  5. Anonymous10:41:00 PM

    The latest story or shall we say the latest fabrication is that someone-a "her"-had tires slashed and chickens shot. If "her" is going to make accusations, then "her" needs to be a big person and own the accusations as it does appear as those connected to Sewell and Sewell himself have difficulties when it comes to being truthful.
    We will certainly not hear another peep out of "her" because no doubt she is lying.
    Sewell, after accusing the mayor and council of firing him for refusing to fire the 2 black officers, refused to own the accusation at a council meeting and professed to not know why he was fired. Coward is what he is, as are his supporters and most likely liars too as nothing they have said has proved truthful thus far.

  6. Anonymous11:29:00 PM

    He said the person who is claiming all this is named Michelle Lucas.

  7. Anonymous11:13:00 AM

    Michelle Lucas really? I'm not sure much can be believed that comes out of that mouth. She's rank.

  8. Anonymous6:12:00 PM

    Council meeting tonight. Now before the Sewellettes go schlepping to the meeting and ask the same old question for the umpteenth time "demanding to know why Sewell was fired" let's clue them in for the umpteenth time and maybe just maybe this time it will register with them.
    MD law is very specific on employee employer disclosure and the person the Sewellettes need to be asking the question to is Sewell himself because by MD law the mayor, the council nor anyone else associated with the city can release the info. It's not rocket science or anything so stop asking or ask Sewell to give permission to release. You all look stupid asking the same question over and over like you can't grasp a simple law.

    Md. Code Ann. [Cts. & Jud. Proc.] § 5-423

    Information that may be disclosed:

    • job performance

    • reasons for termination or separation

    • information disclosed in a report or other document required by law or regulation

    Who may request or receive information:

    • prospective employer

    • former or current employee

    • federal, state, or industry regulatory authority

  9. Anonymous11:06:00 PM

    It is great to see the town moving forward, we have a great Mayor and Council that believe in the town and wants to see it grow as well as prosper. Our issues are obviously roadways and issues that face all towns across America, but as whole our town is doing well. Thanks Mayor we appreciate your leadership.


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